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  1. Cloud Fantasy

    Why do people hate Tidus? >_>

    i don't hate him i just think his voice is annoying and hes clumsy. and his past is very boring, although i had more respect for him in the end. but cloud by far is the best character, everything about him, his past, his nature, his strength, hair and sweet sword. and most of all i can relate to...
  2. Cloud Fantasy

    Biggest Post Whore

    i wouldn't know i just joined today.
  3. Cloud Fantasy

    Does anyone find this game considerably difficult?

    i found this game pretty easy i beat it in 2 1/2 days altho i just got 100% completion recently. i found ff8 pretty hard in fact i still havent beaten it i just got 2 weeks ago and im at the final boss but all my powers r disabled so cant do it. also i didnt use gambits much in this game and...
  4. Cloud Fantasy

    The Great Crystal

    i guess im pretty lucky i have the excalibur, zodiac spear, ultima wearon, well no need to name all the best weapons kuz i have every item in the game. im a collector :) i do believe ur confuzed. omega wep duzent exist, its omega mrk 12 ur thinking of and its a different wyrm waiting in colisium...
  5. Cloud Fantasy

    The Great Crystal

    the pharos is one of my favorite places, however the great crystal is indeed very annoying. im stuck trying to find omega mark 12
  6. Cloud Fantasy

    sup people

    if u have any tips that would be great :)
  7. Cloud Fantasy

    Help Me On KH1!

    ok it seems my work here is done :jon:
  8. Cloud Fantasy

    Help Me On KH1!

    ok but i can tell u were to get oblivion (very good key blade) at in the future. altho i dont know how to tell u without spoilers so ill tell u only if u ask :)
  9. Cloud Fantasy

    Help Me On KH1!

    i dont know how to help with only words i would need to be there i beat the game in like 4 days and i have kh2 and beat it even faster. still dont have kh3 tho :(