Search results

  1. W

    FF began to suck balls? yes no?

    For me, Final Fantasy X and XII are just as good as all the other games in the Final Fantasy series. The series is just as fun as when it started.
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    Another Industrial Age FF?

    I don't think they should make any more Final Fantasies in the Industrial Age. I prefer the ones that feel more like Medieval Times. And for me FF 6 was the best Industrial Age Final Fantasy.
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    Whose Your Favorite Final Fantasy Character Of All Time?

    Whose Your Favorite Final Fantasy Character Of All Time? I haven't played every final fantasy, but My favorite would probably Balthier from Final Fantasy 12. I love his personality and he just seems like a cool character. Please state the reason you chose what you chose.
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    Favorite Final Fantasy Villain?

    Whose your Favorite Final Fantasy Villain? If you reply, please write the reason you choose that villain. :) For me, I'd have to say Kefka Palazzo from Final Fantasy VI. He was just so evil compared to the other final fantasy villains. Who do you think?
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    Which Final Fantasy game has the best music?

    I loved Final Fantasy X's music. It was so touching and sad. It was an overall great soundtrack.
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    Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

    Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film? If you reply, please state your reason for picking the final fantasy you choose. :) Personally, I would like to see Final Fantasy IV, X, and XII as films. Final Fantasy IV and X have amazing stories. And Final Fantasy XII would just be an...
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    Hello Everyone!

    Hi, my name is Benjamin. I love FF Games. My Favorite is probably Final Fantasy X. :)