FF began to suck balls? yes no?

I don't think FF12 sucks. Then again I haven't finished any of them yet. But I have played different ones. I think FF12 may have some story errors but what games don't really?
I think trying new things is good. The same old thing gets so boring after a while.

Look at the new music! Look at Zelda!

Its just getting burned out.
The whole "useless abilities" thing really started with VI. From very early on, when you could use Edgar's Auto Crossbow or Sabin's Fire Dance and end random battles with one swoop, the game was too easy. Seriously, did anyone ever actually use spells like "Muddle" or "Slow?" I played through the game using NO Espers and the difficulty level was exactly the same-- maybe even easier, because I didn't have to waste time scrolling through worthless spells to get to what I needed.

Uselessness? You know you technically used a Esper by leveling up, right? And who didn't summon Bahamut or Alexander? They were such great Espers. :gasp:

You were suppose to use spells like "slow" on enemies that attacked too quickly or enemies that kept casting reflect or barrier. "Muddle" was to confuse the enemies that had massive strength (ever wondered why only the wild enemies with massive strength could be muddled?)

VII was even worse. 90% of the Materia, like sleep, confuse, were totally useless. They were a waste of space-- why bother with them, when you could just as well attack, and end the battle twice as fast. All the summons were basically the same. Use any of them once and the battle is over. Chocobo racing required no skill, it was purely a matter of having enough gil to feed your bird the best greens and it was an easy win.

The same reasons VI had for the magic is the same reasons VII had it. :)
And, when you mastered all the Materia, you get the cool bonus and the feeling of triumph.

IX was a breath of fresh air. I loved the game, and though it had lots of abilities few were truly useless. I had some hope that perhaps the series was going back in the right direction-- but then came X and the unforgivably awful X-2. I mean, come on. Who actually used the "gates" on the garment grids to get a +5 strength bonus? To get through X-2, all you had to do was pick 5 to 10 abilities/items out of hundreds of them, button mash, and the game was over. That's not fun and it requires no skill or strategy. That's a chore with no reward system.

(Just started IX)

From what I get from this game, is awesomeness. Although me being pass Lindlum (is that the right way?) everything is just...really easy. Nothing too bad, but it's not much of a challenge. I love the characters, but come on...it's extremely easy. :gonk:

I agree about X-2, but that was mostly for girly fun anyway. Something away from the all too serious FF titles. Something spunky and fun with adorable themes. :P

Like I said before, I feel cheated. FFIV (2 on the SNES, when I played it originally) was a *masterpiece*. It required skillful use of virtually every spell your characters knew (with the exception of Rydia's "Poison") and the storyline was as engrossing as a Hollywood epic. And the final dungeon, and end boss... very difficult, as it should be. Kefka? Dead in four rounds. Sephiroth? ONE hit from KOTR-- done.

I agree! IV has to be one of the hardest FF titles ever :gasp:
I had such a freakin' problem on the final boss! I finally beat him when I found I had to use a special item...

Those four rounds were pretty long. If you think about it, the battles takes about fifteen minutes, especially if you wish to steal away the goodies each form has.

Sephiroth, and I agree again, can be killed extremely easy. Kingdom Heart's version of him was stronger...don't you agree? At least I thought it was more of a challenge.
I disagree with the games getting bad after Final Fantasy IX. Final Fantasy X was a great game! It had an awesome battle system along with a great cast of lovable characters. The leveling system was quite unique and interesting and I really loved it. Now when X-2 came out i was very disappointed with how it turned out. Definitely wish it was never created, but thats just my opinion. Even though i still haven't found the urge to beat FFXII, i still think the battle system was very revolutionary and i had fun playing it. The characters were great, just got bored of the story line. But FFX was a really great game and i think it was one of the best games of the series.
I don't think FF12 sucks. Then again I haven't finished any of them yet. But I have played different ones. I think FF12 may have some story errors but what games don't really?
I think trying new things is good. The same old thing gets so boring after a while.

Look at the new music! Look at Zelda!

Its just getting burned out.

Zelda's getting burned out? That's not true at all. It's when game series try to do different things that they turn out really bad, most of the time. And yes, I do include FF12 in this. Of course, the Zeldas that try to go too far from the formula are the worst ones: Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap, Majora's Mask. Sticking to a formula that so many people love is what makes the series so great...
It's when game series try to do different things that they turn out really bad, most of the time. (...) Sticking to a formula that so many people love is what makes the series so great...
I whole-heartedly disagree. What do I value as a gamer? Innovation, new experiences, new challenges (admittedly gaming has gotten easier). Something that will keep my mind busy and entertained. Playing 6 FF sequels that have the same battle system as VI would NOT be busy and entertaining to me. Were FF to have a battle system as addictive as, say Disgaea, or Armored Core, I wouldn't mind ('cause they offer near limitless replay value, so much so that any lack of story is entirely overshadowed), but as this is FF, where the end goal is to finish the story and gather some neat spells and attacks along the way, with no new game+ to keep them, I'd have no desire to keep playing the same system, over and over and over.

My point: I like change. You don't like change. Either way, neither of us can say our point of view is the right one (though I can say with a high level of certainty that SE would be in the pits if they didn't do something different for each game), so it isn't fair to tout them as facts.
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I've never posted in this thread yet, so I'll put forth my thoughts. Do I think FF has begun to "suck balls"? No, absolutely not, and I'll give my reasons why.

When I played my first FF game (FFVIII), I was highly disappointed to play FFIX because it was so much different. Then playing FFX, it was a similar feeling, and that's all because I was so used to the ins and outs of FFVIII. After I got into playing FFX and then FFX-2, I realized that every FF is different and the one I became so accustomed to was in many ways, the "black sheep" of the newer age of FF's and I had to let go of that fact and open up to the fact that there won't be another FF like it. With a game like FFXII, I was already open to the idea of giving it a chance, even thought the battle system was far different from what I was already used to. It took some time to get used to, but I did, and I happen to find it a lot of fun.

The whole thing with FF's is the fact that they are always evolving and changing how to do certain aspects of the game. I think a lot of people are resisting the change or have gotten comfortable with a certain aspect of FF and won't open up to the changes that come with a newer game. Just because the latest game may not resemble your favorite FF, it doesn't mean that the game "sucks balls".

The real gripe that people may have that I can somewhat understand is that they may think the storylines are becoming more "dull". Again though, this is all opinion based and doesn't necessarily mean the story has zero impact and should be more exciting like FFVII, VIII, IX or X. I honestly thought all the ideas were clever in one regard or another. The way XII has the whole war of 2 nations and how your party is moving together as a small group to reach the capitol and such is interesting. It might not be chasing the past or moving through time or combating an uncombatable foe, but I still find many interesting points in it, and the future FF's will be no different, I'll enjoy those stories as well.

I think more than anything, the fans need to open their mind a little and give new ideas a chance, even if they seem ridiculous. Even if your interest in FF has gone down since a certain one, it doesn't mean the trend will continue and this one will be more worse than the last. I know I, for one, will be looking forward to the arrival of FFXIII and I know there are aspects of it that I will enjoy, even though I know nothing about what new ideas will be used, the storyline or any relevent nostalgia.
Hmm, I wouldn't say that it "sucked balls" because it WASN'T that bad. I'm a fan of FF not a hater :ryan: I disagree that after IX they sucked because I personally don't think so. FFX is IMO a good game love the story, characters just an overall good game. Although I wa quite dissapointed from XI because after play X I was looking so forward to next one... and it was only online.=/ It was something different but, I liked it better without it being online and I thought it was a disapointment =(. X-2 I thought was an OK game. Wasn't the best but there's deff worst games out there IMO. As far as it being the worst in the FF series I can't say because I haven't played all of them and that wouldn't be fair. The storyline was messy and IMO ruined X's ending. XII as well was an OK. but isn't the best (from what i've played) and I didn't like the characters that much =/. But, XIII is coming out so i'm pumped for that ^^
If SE tries different things to keep the players entertained then they should be fine. It's a always good to have different things instead of it being plain and boring and the same thing over and over. =)
I mean I wouldn't say that after IX "sucked balls" because that'd be a lie. but IMO it deff (overall) not as good as the older ones and not as challenging which is something I like in a game-- a challenge. I can't STAND games that are too easy. You don't get your money's worth :mokken:
I am looking foreward to XIII because from what I heard, it sounds like they really worked on developing the characters. I'm going to pass XII off as a miss. Honestly, it felt like square thought that this game was in the way of XIII so they did a half assed job just to get another FF game out. X was good, but for me it was just missing something that would have really made it great. (And I think Yuna is one of the best FF characters, anyone who says she's a helpless pushover really needs to play the game again and pay more attention!)

But I also think that V wasn't as great as the other games and I will probably only ever play that game once.
Squeenix is just adapting to a larger audience. Most people think X-2 and XII to be shit, but I don't.

FFX-2 brought the ATB back from FF9 and the previous games, which I enjoyed. Even though the story wasn't all that serious, does it matter? It's probably the first FF game that wasn't all super serious or some shit.

FFXII was good too. New combat system which I found enjoyable, the story was alright too. It's a decent game in my eyes.

I don't think FF games will begin to suck, ever. Unless Square Enix stop making them and another company takes over. They make every game look amazing, put so much effort in and I don't think for a second, that they will stop putting the effort in for any of the games they make.
I can't stand the graphics on FF7 and it really puts me off, but because it was made by Squeenix, I know it's not a bad game. So I'm giving it a chance.

To conclude: No I don't think it is beginning to suck.
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For me, Final Fantasy X and XII are just as good as all the other games in the Final Fantasy series. The series is just as fun as when it started.
I don't think FF has started to suck. I simply think teh novelty wore off thanks to all the spin-offs.

Used to be a new Final Fantasy title meant something huge. It was another installment in one of the most respected and beloved gaming series.
Then they started making sequels. Suddenly a new Final Fantasy wasn't a groundbreaking thing. It was just an excuse to make money.

Look at it this way.

YAY! NEW FF! Um..Final Fantasy X-2? Okay...
YAY! NEW FF! ..Advent Children?
Erm...Dirge of Cerberus?
*yawn* Crisis Core...
*snoreing* Dissidia....
*lifts head up* Oh...Final Fantasy XIII? Oh...cool I guess.....
It's just not about the game anymore.

Hello fellow FFers. Ok so this is my first post here so please no haterism because you will say "a one time poster comes in for negativity" because it is really not.

I was reading the thread FF13 love it or hate it.

Final Fantasy 13 as a visual game, unmatched by any game out there in my opinion it is not far fetched to say something along the lines of it's graphically the best game PS3 has or Xbox for that matter.

We all know that graphically this game could be much better had it been made to one platform. If it was made only on the PS3 they would have been able to make the game better simply because the PS3 is stronger than the Xbox. But that is not the case here.

Since FF7 I think that the series took a serious turn for the worse. The games have been getting worse and worse (with I think the exception of FF10).

My reasoning: The first one is going out on a limb but since Enix came into the picture I strongly believe that the series has strayed heavily from its roots. Now maybe it is because they felt that the game had to take a new turn or evolve differently but no one can deny that if we look at FF6 or FF7 the games are just not the same anymore. People would actually get into the story and spend hours on hours with the side quests. (Remember trying to get all the enemy skills in FF6 or FF7 or power leveling for hours on end against monsters with ridiculous heart power)

The graphics no doubt have evolved but has Square really just made it a point to make games that push the limits of the hardware. To show off what their artists can do? To say "This game has to be a benchmark for graphics" (FF12 on the Ps2 or FF7 on Ps1)

What happened to the story, do you remember the earlier games where the stories were so immense and complex that you had to literally talk to every person in a town to understand what was going on. Or if you missed talking to one person your story couldn't continue. Remember getting so caught up in a random side quest that you forget your mission and the person you spoke to who gave you the clue now says something different. What happened to that part of the game?

FF13 is a very linear game, your paths are pretty much chosen for you for the majority of that game. Now I haven't finished but I know that game is fairly linear until much later in the game.

I won't say that developing all the roles and power leveling later won't be fun because it probably will be. Everyone who plays the game will most likely enjoy that part but I don't think anyone can truly say "This one is THE BEST" Again it is a matter of taste and opinion but realistically this game just IS NOT what people make it out to be.

Final Fantasy is a trademark series, kind of like Resident Evil (which has strayed so far from its roots that even Capcom has said that in order to make a Resident Evil 6 they have to rethink the way the game is made, but that is besides the point I'm just making a reference)

Who of you started FF13 and waited for the trademark harp opening, the song that EVERYONE knows Final Fantasy for. As soon as I popped in the game and I heard a different theme song I said to myself, "Ok well this is strange" Then I started to play and I had my first battle (The battle system is mediocre at best. Turn based fighting is what Final Fantasy was built on keep it to what works for the game. I want to control all 3 players and not just one) beat my first enemy and what am I listening to, a very very new winning song. I'm playing Final Fantasy I want to hear the signature victory theme. Saying to myself, "Maybe it's just the opening part of the game and later on I will hear it." 5 chapters later, still the same song. What is going on.

Characters, is it me or do ALL the characters look the same, do they not all have more or less the same facial structure? Vanille. Hope, Lightning?? Fine they look different but does anyone other than myself think that since Final Fantasy 8 all the characters are VERY similar looking?

I can go on and on about the game and how it has drifted so far from what a traditional Final Fantasy should be but the thread has gone on way too long.

Basically what I'm saying is, Final Fantasy is not about Final Fantasy anymore anyone who has been playing them since FF1 and gone through them all will not disagree with me. I've seen it from the start and have seen the series grow but it has come to a point where the reality of this series is

It is just not about the game anymore.

Let's stop pretending that the world of video games is about who can push the best graphics out of a system and concentrate on giving the gamers a good story, a great replay value, and an ever lasting experience.

Don't forget FF13 was announced in 2006, that was 4 years ago, they had plenty of time to think over what should and could come out of this game and they just created another "good RGP" but not another "signature Final Fantasy"

(Classic Sid, first 5 chapters had 1 sentence, I'm not holding my breath to hear from him again)

FF13 good or bad? Good game but NOT A REAL FINAL FANTASY.
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Okay, didn't look through the whole thread, but to the crass question, I will say I don't think FF has begun to suck balls.

It always comes down to opinion, tastes and expectations for the individual, and so far, I'm still enjoying the series.

I've played a little of FFI-FFIII, most of FFIV, beaten FFV-FFX, some of FFXII and working on FFXIII. I've played FF Tactics and all but FFT Advance of the Ivalice compilation, played all but Before Crisis of the FFVII Compilation, played Dissidia, and you know? I enjoyed them. I really, really enjoyed them.

Special Note: FFX-2 honestly pissed me off for Yuna's portryal and crummy story, but I liked the characters and it was still fun to play.

It's obvious these are very different games, but despite the major differences, I've still come to enjoy them.

I don't understand why people are stuck with their specific FF era loyalties. I know some people who only liked the SNES games, some who only liked the PS1 games, and some people who only liked FFX and beyond. Seriously, why can't people just be more flexible like me? I mean, I have FF games I liked less than others, but that's not to say that I hate them.

I often say that FFVI to FFX are my all times faves and tied with eachother. Just between these five games, there are many differences in gameplay, graphics, characters, stories and plenty more. Yet I love them all.

Going through FFXIII, it's true that the game is very different from, say, FFIX. But that shouldn't take away from the fact that the game is still very fun and entertaining. Change shouldn't make people think something will be bad. It's just different.

This will probably piss off the Square-Enix PR people, but I think that people expecting to see a game like FF1 again shouldn't hold their breath. If the latest FF game completely turns you off and you can't accept anything new or changed to your prefered FF forumula, you know what? Just quit. Play the other FF games that you still enjoy and move onto a new interest and stop ranting and complaining about how much you hate the new stuff that other people like me are enjoying, because I'm positive that you aren't gonna see anything from the "classic" FF games again.

Square-Enix is definitely changing things up, but if you honestly just hate what you're playing, don't force yourself to do it. You should enjoy your games, and if you can't, look for something else.

People complaining about the lack of towns, NPCs and more restictive flow of direction and whatever else in FFXIII, I guarantee you that even if these do get "corrected" in FFXV or future FF games, something will still piss you off, so just quit while you're ahead.

I will say that if you have a obligation or mentality to dislike the FF games that are different from the forumula that you think it the "true" FF style, try not to compare the FF games. Each game has always been different from the last, so I think you should just see them as the individual items they are. Don't hamper down whatever genuine enjoyment you're getting from a FF game even though you realize it's very different. Just enjoy it~
I wonder just how many people complained this much in 1996/97, when after playing the first six games played FFVII for a week and hated it. I only really first got the internet in 2000, and didn't even get serious into the gaming community until 2002, so I wouldn't really know. I know this isn't exactly comparable to FFXIII, as not so much changed between FFVI and FFVII, but I'm sure there are a few FFVII haters out there.

I think SE have picked up on the fact that Nintendo have had huge successes appealling to a very broad audience, and I think they have tweaked FFXIII to make it more accessible to mass audiences. This watering down (or streamlining, as I have seen it described elsewhere) is what seems to be bothering most people. My first reaction when I played FFXIII was "uh, I thought Versus XIII was supposed to be the action RPG".

Still, I am finding things I like about it all the time. Graphics are awesome, characters are nice (VOs are better than X and XII too), the character development system really opens up after 4 hours or so, and the story seems very good. It took a while to get started, but honestly, I think FFXIII still has a lot of the Final Fantasy charm to it.

Some people think "the rot" started from FFVII. While I feel FFVII is the high point of the series, I don't think the series as a whole has regressed at all. FFX is the one a lot of people point to as the beginning of the end, but again, I think it had the old Final Fantasy feel to it, and it also had the hours and hours of sidequests that people pine for. Then again, for everyone who likes Blitzball and Monster Catching, there is someone else who absolutely despises it.
meh, FF legacy was the best in terms of imagination and purity of the tale. Legacy was Square Enix (Formerly Square Soft) most prized creation after it jacked it back into business, their hardwork was most notable within the first few and THEN, after V, it started to fail me. Although everything up to 9 was do-able, 10 was shit, 11 was just fucking grind and then 12 in my opinion rescued the franchise a little bit.

FFXIII although linear, the story telling has been returned to its former glory, the intricacy and attention to character profiling and detail is amazing and the gameplay, especially the paradigm system is shamelessly fun. But that is my opinion.
I don't think FF has started to suck. I simply think teh novelty wore off thanks to all the spin-offs.

Used to be a new Final Fantasy title meant something huge. It was another installment in one of the most respected and beloved gaming series.
Then they started making sequels. Suddenly a new Final Fantasy wasn't a groundbreaking thing. It was just an excuse to make money.

Look at it this way.

YAY! NEW FF! Um..Final Fantasy X-2? Okay...
YAY! NEW FF! ..Advent Children?
Erm...Dirge of Cerberus?
*yawn* Crisis Core...
*snoreing* Dissidia....
*lifts head up* Oh...Final Fantasy XIII? Oh...cool I guess.....

I couldn't agree more. I feel -exactly- the same way. I'm really hoping some kind of revisitation is done with the series as it was done with IX. If not that, at least an FFVII remake >.>
I want your views...

Well it's been several months since ive come to write on these forums and i wrote a similar thread a while ago but in this one i just wanted people's opinions on FFXIII? DId you like the game?

I don't think many will agree with me all though im surprised people don't to be honest but after FFIX (i would give X the benefit of the doubt), Final Fantasy just didn't feel like an FF game anymore. Possibly because Enix merged with Square? I don't know, sadly i really hated XII and even though XIII is better, i still don't think its anywhere near as good as X and below. Is there anyone out there who wishes final fantasy was like it used to be?

Thanks. Please don't insult my opinion because it is only what i feel and i will respect your views. Thank you.

Are you saying FFVII to IX aren't good? In my opinion they were the best 3 games made in the FF series. After IX (possibly X) Final fantasy just isn't the same and never will be. I have to say that it's a big shame.