FF began to suck balls? yes no?

I don't think FF has started to suck. I simply think teh novelty wore off thanks to all the spin-offs.

Used to be a new Final Fantasy title meant something huge. It was another installment in one of the most respected and beloved gaming series.
Then they started making sequels. Suddenly a new Final Fantasy wasn't a groundbreaking thing. It was just an excuse to make money.

Look at it this way.

YAY! NEW FF! Um..Final Fantasy X-2? Okay...
YAY! NEW FF! ..Advent Children?
Erm...Dirge of Cerberus?
*yawn* Crisis Core...
*snoreing* Dissidia....
*lifts head up* Oh...Final Fantasy XIII? Oh...cool I guess.....

You know, I think that may have been why I wasn't too excited for XIII. SO many other titles had come out that when XIII had come along it was like "cool I'll have to check it out"

I was excited for previous FF games to be released because they didn't come along that often. Now with all the spin offs and sequels (and most being pretty medicore) it's just not as exciting as it used to be to see a new FF title released :(
I was excited for previous FF games to be released because they didn't come along that often. Now with all the spin offs and sequels (and most being pretty medicore) it's just not as exciting as it used to be to see a new FF title released :(
A very good point and I agree. So many FF games have been released. It is like in the forties maybe fifties and yet there is only 13 main games!
However, in relation to the main topic I don't think it is beginning to suck balls. Maybe this because I am generally optimistic and actually find it hard to actually hate any FF but I like how they are trying new things with the battle system and growth system and various other things.
I think FF is becoming different, not bad.
For me FF did start to suck after X...I liked X-2 the dressphere premise was fun for me but it seems to me story wise FF is starting to crumble down and whats an RPG without a good story? or charecters thet pull you in emotionally?
The current installments arent really giving those major two things for me and if the story is good the charecters are shitty and if you like the charecters the story is shitty....
Don't be mad at square just because they try to change it up. I actually like all the numbered final fantasys besides 11 because i never played it. Just remember, just because a game is different doesn't mean its bad.
i wish i could like ff games after X but i just can't anymore. The feeling of excitement when a new installment came along has gone because i know they won't ever be as good as VII, VIII and IX (just my opinion). I like some changes in games but sorry, FFXII and XIII just isnt final fantasy for me. Not sure how many agree with me but hey, there you go!
I can agree but that is seeming to happen with all genres of games. This isn't just limited to final fantasy. Developers are being forced to try new things because people aren't buying as many games as they used to.
What do you expect? THe whole concept of FF does not suck balls just the latest iterations of the series, but how many flops can we absorb before we say no more
can the whole series be rejuvinated buy One really good game. I speak of course about FFXXIII-Versus......