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  1. M

    Boost GF's Magic

    yeah love the boost always use it not sure what my highest was though I just hit it till the animation stops!
  2. M

    Chocobo, Moogle, Cactuar, Tonberry

    definitely Moogles soo cute with Chocobos coming in second place then tonberry's esp from X2 in the Via Infintio the little and the big ones and then the cactuar.
  3. M

    Dear Person who programmed the chocobo catcher bit...

    lol I was in the same boat for ages finally restarted a new game got it fairly easily but then got fecked trying to do the damn butterfly game! think it gets you one way or another really! bloody annoying mini games to get powerful weapons!
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    Favourite playable character?

    I have to agree with Fran and Balthier v. diff to decide who I like best as they both work so well!
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    Hey I'm messtaken I'm from Dublin, Ireland and am a huge FF fan. Glad I found the site am looking forward to chatting with folks about FF. My fav's are 8 and 10 fav character Auron also like Lulu and Fran, Wakka slightly does my head in!