Search results

  1. Redd Floxy

    Serious Anyone Loved You?

    I'm certainly loved by my angel. Whatever we go through we stick together no matter what ^^ And that is something more people should do if they really love eachother I believe <3
  2. Redd Floxy

    [V5] What are you currently listening to?

    X-Ray Dog - Necrophellia Instrumental industral/metal piece from an excellent composer ^-^ How can I not like something like this, I wonder
  3. Redd Floxy

    Happy Birthday Graye!

    Haaaaaappy birthday ^-^ !!! Don't do anything you will regret the next day and have fun xD
  4. Redd Floxy

    Which Disney titles would you like to see?

    Robin Hood! They just have to put that one in. It would work soo perfectly as a world apart ^-^ And they could do something original with Sora aswell in that. Maybe some Wall-E alike thing? Maybe give Bambi or those 101 dotted dogs their own world. But I think Babmi's world wouldn't work out so...
  5. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    I'm shaking in my bones mate. Shiver me timbers~ And I'll try my best to stay active ^-^ Can't promise everyday though but Ima be a good boy and put my teeth in it REALLY good! And thank you for the welcomes ^-^
  6. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    Thank you everyone! You already proven you ain't no chickens here because you all entered ^-^ It'll be fun =3
  7. Redd Floxy

    Am I The Only Guy Who Likes...

    If you really love your girl, how can you hate cuddling? *puppy eyes* Explain me that because... I don't know if that's even possible!
  8. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    Yay, een nederlands persoon :piggyback: (lol @ emoticon) Nouja, aangenaam om te weten dus :p Translation: Yay, a dutch person :piggyback: (lol @ emoticon) Well, nice to know :p Hehehe X3 translations make me look smaaart
  9. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    I'm dutch by heart and I don't speak one letter french ha ^-^ I fail at school... lol xD And thank you =3
  10. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    Rawrrr~ Thank you for the welcomes people ^-^ (For a topic that bites you when you enter there are alot of people replying, buncha reckless people!)
  11. Redd Floxy

    [V5] What are you currently listening to?

    James Intveld - King Cry-Baby Well… One for all, and all for one And all we want is to have some fun But squares beware of our property Yeah… if you’re lookin’ to rumble, you’re lookin’ at me Cause I’m the King King Cry Baby
  12. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    So far I got one poem/storie alike thingie... you get the point, up on the section where people put their original work. So you can check there once I a while ^-^ I'll put other work up there aswell as times passes on (cause I'm sloooow)
  13. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    Mmmm... pie *dreams and drools* Oh yeah right, thank you very much! ^-^ And I hope for the same *puppy eyes*
  14. Redd Floxy

    Poetry Regret

    I believe that this is what you could call a short poem story, I wrote this some time back but feel free to comment on it or leave your thoughts ^-^ I wrote this for a contest a while back that revolved around the word bird. I stepped through the closing walls I grabbed all my courage so my...
  15. Redd Floxy

    Don't enter because I bite!

    YAY, you entered! I'm not lonely anymore, weee. Ya... right. x3 Ok, here goes. Hi there =3 I'm Redd Floxy or if you just hate to press those extra 6 buttons you can just call me Redd. I love somewhere in Belgium, located in Europe close to the sea (lots of water!) A little more from me...