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  1. leapyear29

    Hyperion or Revolver?

    i've come tO beleve the twO are of comporable skill level with nO clear winner. but yeah, speaking of the opening FMV, the way Seifer holds his weapon does look so much coOler than how Squall does it..
  2. leapyear29

    FF7 Favorite villian?

    Sephiroth!! not only he's the best villian of final fantasy.. but the best all time villian in the world. I am sure almost everyone will agree..! Mod Edit: Please try to elaborate more on your post next time. (ie. explain why you think he's the best FFVII villain, etc.) Thanks. =]
  3. leapyear29

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Well, although I think Zack is a much better person, I think Cloud is stronger based on the story. In the game, Sephiroth is "killed" by Cloud, but Sephiroth had the power to defeat Zack. However, it could be argued that Cloud was only stronger at that time because Cloud was in a state of...