FF7 Favorite villian?

Dec 10, 2009
In the Final Fantasy VII world there have been several villians throughout the game. I was just wondering who was your favorite. I can think of several.

Shinra Corporation

Anybody or group you may think of as a villian qualifies. My personal favorite happens to be Nero. I happen to be a fan for darkness as obvious as that one is. So Nero's abilitys are something that help him to grow on me. I am also fond of his way of speach. Exoticly calm and poetic. The metal attachmeants he has on his back, which I am not sure if they are meant to be wings, are unique and I like that.
I liked Weiss, he was a pretty good character to fight,I also kinda like Rufus, but i dunno why
My favorite villain character was Angeal, because he has a similar back story to Sephiroth, but was an even better person then Sephiroth (pre freakouts). He was an extremely likeable character. In fact in CC he is almost like a father figure to Zack.

Genesis and Sephiroth tie for second. I've seen enough Sephiroth though(Two games and a movie).

I'd love for anything more to be done with Genesis and Angeal. Though Angeal couldn't stand alone as a bad guy because he just wouldn't do it. It would somehow have to be against his will. Genesis is perfect capable of being a stand alone villain and even has the classic feminie features that Square grants to their main villains.
I liked Reno, Rude and Elena. The Turks were brilliant. Cocky and just so damn random. And dumb ... you need dumb villians. Going on about the plot in front of the good guys lol. The dumb villians are needed for the comic relief, you need some comedy in there.
I liked Reno, Rude and Elena. The Turks were brilliant. Cocky and just so damn random. And dumb ... you need dumb villians. Going on about the plot in front of the good guys lol. The dumb villians are needed for the comic relief, you need some comedy in there.

Yeah the Turks were great in most of the games. In AC I think the Turks were hands down one of if not the best part of the game. Both Reno, and Rude in the movie were done really well. They looked, sounded, and acted almost exactly as I would have thought. I like them in everything they were in.
My favorite villian is definitely Genesis because he's got this sarcastic thing about him which I just love! Also, I prefer Sephiroth as a good guy because he was so much better in my opinion. Genesis seemed like a good villian because he just wanted answers and in a way, I felt bad for him.
Probably Seifer from FFVIII. It's hard to put my finger on why exactly I think he's a good villain. There's a sense of desperation to his character that I liked. He wasn't the traditional villain; he started off the game as a likeable guy until he was proselytized by Edea and turned against his friends. I was hoping he might rejoin our clan at some point throughout the game and absolve for his mistakes by doing something courageous, but it was not to be. He was a tragic villain.
Genesis is my favourite, without a doubt. His quoting from LOVELESS made him appear quite sophisticated to me, and I really liked his character. All he wanted was a little recognition, and I felt a little sorry for him at the end of the game...

Probably Seifer from FFVIII. It's hard to put my finger on why exactly I think he's a good villain. There's a sense of desperation to his character that I liked. He wasn't the traditional villain; he started off the game as a likeable guy until he was proselytized by Edea and turned against his friends. I was hoping he might rejoin our clan at some point throughout the game and absolve for his mistakes by doing something courageous, but it was not to be. He was a tragic villain.

Please might we remain on topic? This thread is for the villians of Final Fantasy VII and I fail to see why you would post about any other characters. There may be a thread in Final Fantasy general but this is in the Final Fantasy VII section.

I am interested in the Angeal response. I never thought of him as a villian but now that it is in my mind, he was a villian in a way of his own. That was well-thinking on Square Enix's part.
This thread says favorite FF7 villain, not favorite FF villain. Please note that before posting and saying you like a villain from another FF game.

I don't really know who I like... I'm not a big Sephiroth fan tbh, and I didn't like Rufus.

Rosso, however... even if she was in a shit game, I loved her 8F She was a ruthless murderer, and I just love those characters. I liked her Russian... or whatever it was accent too.. I just liked her in general. She was also the first boss in that game to actually give me trouble.. so Rosso holds a place in my heart xD

Do people who changed sides count? If so, Reno or Shelke x3

Reno.. well... He's Reno 8F

I loved Shelke's character though, everything about her. Her design, her story, just.. everything xD
Sephiroth is my favorite villain from FF7 because how he destroyed Clouds hometown Nibelihm or something like that.

My other favorite villain is Jenova.
Jenova for sure. Though she is technically
throughout the game I felt she had a very strong presence in it. I can understand the misconception that
Jenova was controlling Sephiroth and not Sephiroth manipulating Jenova
, as she was pretty awesome and I wouldn't be surprised if it was either way.

If you look at what she could do as a
semi-dead corpse
, think about what she must have been like
? I've always wanted to see a game about the
Cetra fighting Jenova
as I'd like to see how powerful she was in her prime.

Plus, she has two kick-ass theme tunes.
Sephiroth!! not only he's the best villian of final fantasy.. but the best all time villian in the world. I am sure almost everyone will agree..!

Mod Edit: Please try to elaborate more on your post next time. (ie. explain why you think he's the best FFVII villain, etc.) Thanks. =]
Jenova for sure. Though she is technically
throughout the game I felt she had a very strong presence in it. I can understand the misconception that
Jenova was controlling Sephiroth and not Sephiroth manipulating Jenova
, as she was pretty awesome and I wouldn't be surprised if it was either way.

If you look at what she could do as a
semi-dead corpse
, think about what she must have been like
? I've always wanted to see a game about the
Cetra fighting Jenova
as I'd like to see how powerful she was in her prime.

Plus, she has two kick-ass theme tunes.

Just wanted t reply with two things.

1.) I never viewed Jenova a my favorite bad guy just because you don't get much of her personailty. I know she isn't a "person" so her traits would be different but shes still a mystery really. However Jenova did make FFVII what it was. Without her the game wouldn't stand up where it does today. Her addition to the overall story is probably the most important and biggest in the FFVII universe.

2.) Your idea for a spin-off is easily the best idea for a FFVII spin off I've ever heard. I think I read a post in the spin off thread from you about it and forgot to mention how much I liked the idea. Aside from Square's ability to use an entire new cast of character to expand on one of the most important aspects in the entire FFVII universe I think that the basic idea behind what the story would have to be has great potential even though they did a similar story already. I think they could actually make it better this time.

The similar story of course is Chrono Trigger which I will refrain from giving my opinion on in this thread.

I am interested in the Angeal response. I never thought of him as a villian but now that it is in my mind, he was a villian in a way of his own. That was well-thinking on Square Enix's part.

I see what you mean as not thinking of him as a villain, because he didn't hurt any innocent people. I think what I like about him the most is what motivates him is different from all other villains and almost makes him incapable of truly becoming evil.
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Tonberry and Cait Sith then since I misread the topic, I do see Tonberry as a villian since he does oppose the protagonists

Cait Sith though seen as a protagonist really was a anomotronic andriod controlled by Shinra's very own executive: Reeves. Cait Sith double crossed Cloud's team, black mailed them, and then tried to pass himself off as a martyr though Reeves was in no direct danger. I mean Reeves sent in a second one and they were like "oh cool, welcome back" how the hell did he atone for anything?! I hated how he only decided to seriously want to help Cloud after Rufus went insane and started docking his paycheck due to the expenses on the sister cannon's improvements, so then he triple crosses Rufus with Cloud's team because he's a selfish greedy monster. After that I lost all interest in Cait because he would only say things like "Let's put the past behind us" or "hey remember that time I double crossed you, real sorry about that", but I never forgave you Cait...I never forgave you.

Tonberry is one of my favorite villians in FF7/FF history because he gets to the point. Instead of summoning a giant pillar of fluorescent light that destroys the planet causing a vortex of anti-matter while ripping the fabric of reality causing the target along with all life to be sucked into a massive black hole and into a warped reality consisting mostly of LSD esque waves of color which vibrantly move about the area until a group of 67 black knights based off 56 different polytheistic religions subsequently bomb the target with nukes while chaining together 247 different styles of martial arts until the reality collapses allowing the planet to somehow reform back into reality with the series of events in the reality's timeline untampered with as the target falls from the sky and hits the ground for 9999 fall damage. Tonberry simply walks up to you, stabs you, then you die. That's the way it should be.

And for the record Wendigo wasn't a monster he was a boss, I think he could still count as a villian.
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Haha DUUHH GENESIS!!!! hence my userrname :P. Actually i didnt really like Genesis at first, i needed a gaming name and at the time i was playing crisis core so i thought of the username i have now. And Genesis just grew on me
This thread says favorite FF7 villain, not favorite FF villain. Please note that before posting and saying you like a villain from another FF game.

Please. From. FF7. Thank you. And wendigo and tonberry aren't villains, they're monsters anyways. I'm going to start deleting posts that don't pay attention to the fact that this is FINAL FANTASY SEVEN favorite villain.
Genesis, :monster: I liked the way he conducted his business. I also like how he would come in and recite Loveless each time. Also, his final boss fight and the fact that canically, he is the only one alive that might not actually be a villain anymore makes him awesome.