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  1. K

    What draws you to the game?

    yes its darker,more realistic and yes it would be great to see some twists for once in this series i like the way nomura has dramatically improved with this series over the years. btw, if they have noctis and lighting battle noctis would sooooo kick her butt
  2. K

    The Identity of KHIIS Xehanort is... (MAJOR SPOILERS)

    i have a theory...say if xehanort was to return(which he obviously will) there for xemnas would too and if they were to combine that would bring back a twice as stronger MX the reason MX wouid come back twice as stronger is he is still possessing terra's body Mod Edit: Please avoid...
  3. K


    in kh 358/2 days there was something xigbar said about xion that continues to bother me.He said xion reminded him of "him" and it showed an image of ven does xigbar have some kind of connection with ven?