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  1. Raonak

    Un-Official Dissidia 2 roster

    I want seifer and Laguna as FF8 characters for Dissida2 squall vs seifer fight would be awesome!!! Also, edea and Adel as costume changes for Ultimecia Zack as a costume change for cloud (with new voice track) Music -Force your way -Only a plank -The legendary beast
  2. Raonak

    Uber Squall!!!

    Not leveling is actually benifical in FF8, because of the bonus abilities you get later in the game (str bonus, vit bonus, some GF's give you the ability, cactuar gives you the whole set.) it will give you 1 extra stat per level up, (30 extra for HP). It doesnt sound that good, until you think...
  3. Raonak

    Boost GF's Magic

    Lol, I saw my friend doing it, so when i finally bought the game, i already knew how to do it. I dont use GF's much now, since i super junction. but theyre nice to see.
  4. Raonak

    FFVIII : Love It Or Hate It?

    It's my favourite FF game. The hate for this game is overated, The haters are the most vocal. someone seriously has not played it properly, you dont really need to summon GF's at all, junctioning properly and abusing limit breaks is faster.
  5. Raonak

    Just Who Is Ultimecia?

    Hyne was acually a dude, actually, more like a god. credited with creating the world, and giving a peice of his power to sorcresses.