Boost GF's Magic


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May 4, 2008
Do you do that thing during battle when the GF you summoned is appearing and you hold Select and a finger comes out telling you to press Square and number 75 comes up beside it? Then if you keep pressing Square, the number keeps going up. The higher you can make it go, the more damage the current GF makes.

I don't even know what that's called. It's my 3rd playthrough and it's the first time I've come across it. :8F:

I'm quite fond of it. Highest I've gone was 145. My thumb hurts though. :gonk:
The GF boost command will max out at 250. You may find it to be impossible to do with some of the summons but can easily be achieved with the Eden GF since the attack animation is very long.
Well it's the easiest GF ability to get... You only have to get 10AP for it... First time i played through i didn't know anything about it, but during one of the animations i was bored and starting hitting random buttons, and when i hit Select everything disappeared and the hand was there....

Though i think the highest i ever got any of them was around 190 with Quezacoatl (if thats spelled right) because i didn't get Eden... And Siren is another long animation that you can surely get a high number with. :gasp:
i got lucky, my cousin played through the game before i got it, he told me about boost, so i had it on my 1st playthrough. made a lot of things easier for me :3
I really didnt realise that this was such a secret, makes GF's far more effective.

I'm not sure how I found this out but I was using this on my first play thru ten years ago lol!
I do it pretty much every time I use a GF. Half the time I don't even feel like doing it, but then I think to myself "I gotta do it so I make sure I kick this dude's butt ASAP". Also I guess it's something to do while the animations play. And I'm pretty sure someone told me about it before I played for the first time, so I was fortunate enough to know about it preemptively.

I always assumed that the number reflected the percentage of damage the attack would finally inflict, or something. Is that right, or is it just a random number that boosts the effect of the GF? In the same vein, does anyone know if there's a difference between just letting the GF attack without using Boost, and letting the GF attack with boost at 75 (the minimum, if I recall)?
I had no idea it even existed on my first couple of playthroughs, but yeah I boost everytime I use a GF now, and get my hair off whenever I accidentally press the square button when the cross is over the marker and it goes back down to 75 >_<
I had no idea it even existed on my first couple of playthroughs, but yeah I boost everytime I use a GF now, and get my hair off whenever I accidentally press the square button when the cross is over the marker and it goes back down to 75 >_<

That keeps happening to me. And everytime, I just go 'I'll show you on my next turn' :rage:

Well it's the easiest GF ability to get... You only have to get 10AP for it...

So that's how this started. I had no idea--I thought that Learn>Boost thing was just another type of Summon Magic + 20% or something like that. :8F:
ahh i remeber that 210 on bahaumut oh the glory also did anyone else go through the game without upgrading their weapons or just me, i flipped when i realized you could up grade at the end of disc 3
I always wondered what Boost was for. Never could really understand it. But now, after 10 years from when I first played it, I finally do!
Quite handy actually :8F:
I love it hehe :D
But, sometimes, I go to fast and there's the "X" thing and it goes back down to the starting point. :gonk:
Makes me mad it does.
And omg, yes it does hurt your thumbs after a while. D:
I think my highest was like 205? not sure.
For Bahamut's Mega Flare, boosting is almost a must. His power was nerfed in FFVIII so if you didn't boost, it would seem as though he didn't do much damage. His and Eden's attack animation was very long, so getting 250 on the boost-a-meter :-)wacky:) was easy and the damage became incredible again.
Lol, I saw my friend doing it, so when i finally bought the game, i already knew how to do it. I dont use GF's much now, since i super junction. but theyre nice to see.
I use Boost quite a bit actually. It really comes in handy. The only one I was ever able to get up to 250 consistently is Eden though (due to the length of the summon sequence).

The only thing that would piss me off though is having to pay attention to when you can and can't press the "X" button. If you slip up when it tells you to stop, it drops back down and you have to start over. -__-
I never even knew what "Boost" did until I watched a walkthrough on YouTube, and watched someone do it. So I did do it on my first playthrough, but only after quite a ways into the game.

It does come in handy, and seems to improve the damage by a lot. Though, it was annoying having to wait until the X went away, because if you go ahead and keep pressing while the X is up, you lose the current number and go back to 75. -.-

On my second playthrough, I used it quite a lot. I'm not sure if it helped all that much, but it was nice to think that I was helping myself out by using it.
HELL YEAH I USED IT!! i spent countless hours outside balamb and in the garden training centre hunting t-rexaurs. 1st cast lv up until he's lv. 100, blind him and keep summoning shiva ( even on a pretty low level you should inflict massive damage with the boost ability, since he's vulnerable to ice)
Yeah i used boost, it hurt my fingers though.
For some reason, i learned boost, then shiva shot up to lvl 17 right at the begining, I would have been more excited if the monsters didnt level up with you.
But yeah it was great for training and such.
I had one of those controllers with the 'turbo' feature on it so I was a manic cheater when it came to using boost.
I found out about it very early on because I always used to press select during the animations to enhance the visual experience (sweet.)
I also used to open the disc lid.. this let you boost up to 250 with anyone because the game would pretty much stop.. Although it was rediculously easy to do with Eden. With him you could bring it up to 250, back down to 75 and then all the way back up again all with time to spare, and that's not even using a turbo controller.