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    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    final fantasy 3 ds its a great game im enjoying it alot im about halfway through the game
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    FFV&FFVI...Remake? [6/26]

    Final fantasy V and VI Remakes Thats what I was thinking about about a week ago because they had 1,2,3,and 4 but not 5 and 6 so i think that it would be great to remake those two...
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    FFXIV: Why Do I Want to Play It?

    Iwould like to play final fantasy XIV I would like to play it because its an online game which are very fun and i don't get to play that much :tidus::jecht:
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I think there will because, there are so manyFinal Fantasy VII fans that they could make a lot of money and that's what I think...
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    FFXII - Worth Getting?

    final fantasy xii is a great game its one of my favorites so i think its definitely worth it
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    Which final fantasy games should I play ?

    final fantasy tactics and dissidia are the best you should try them
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    How old is vincent

    27 on the first game
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    i love legos i have tons of them in a bucket that i like to make planes out of then throw them at the wall and rebuild
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    [V3] What's Your Mood?

    tired haven't slept for about 16 hours and was being really active all day
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    Replaying FFX

    I Redid the game a few months ago and also got some cool weapons while doing it that i never got the first time