FFV&FFVI...Remake? [6/26]

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Having FFV and FFVI on the DS would be the most sensible course of direction. The cost of development on the DS is much lower than on other formats and the time taken to develop for the DS would be much shorter. It would be much easier way for SE to fatten its wallet quickly without having to pour a lot into HD console remakes.

Besides, FFV and FFVI lack the notoriety and popularity of FFVII anyway. If there is to be one FF game that has the best (and most logical) chance of being remade in HD, it would have to be FFVII. An HD FFVII remake would inevitably reap more financial benefits for SE than either of its two predecessors.

Personally I think remakes are really unnecessarily. I know I've advocated for a FFVI remake before, and I must admit, it would be really nice to see it all in 3D, but it still doesn't make it anymore necessary to exist. The same goes for a FFVII remake.
I don't think the DS's idea of "3D" would do VI justice. I mean, I like the whole chibi look and stuff occasionally, but that's about as far as the DS can go graphically.

No, if they're going to take the time to remake them, I'd much rather they be remade on the 3DS or an HD console.
I'd say they HAVE to do it on the PSP or 3DS..................I know that is the most likely but doing it on a next-gen console would look amazing.........

However if they do decide to go for the DS SE are making a mistake once again................It will be kinda like the same game with just a little improved graphics and it would be like playing the normal game again!

A PSP remake with PS2-like graphics and voice-acting will make this game rock!

And if they had to choose I'd say do a DS or 3DS remake for V and a PSP remake for VI.
Square-Enix won't come close to touching it on a next gen console [or current gen] it's far too much work especially when they've got other games that would rake in so much more profit, like Olivia said, Final Fantasy VII. And there'd be nothing wrong with a remake on the DS unless your a graphics whore :| Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy IV both worked well on the DS and the DS is far more of a profitable handheld than the PSP and most likely the 3DS for a few years.
Well, color me a graphics whore. But, I like the GBA version of Final Fantasy IV more than the DS version, so...

I'm just not a fan of the chibi look. It really has nothing to do with the graphics, per se. If they could somehow remake the game without going all cutesy then I would be fine with it on the DS. Just what they did to IV, which is supposed to be a serious, epic game...it was just criminal, imo.
I don't think the DS's idea of "3D" would do VI justice. I mean, I like the whole chibi look and stuff occasionally, but that's about as far as the DS can go graphically.

No, if they're going to take the time to remake them, I'd much rather they be remade on the 3DS or an HD console.


I will not play another chibi installment, half job that SE will pawn off as if it's a "real" remake. I want it like XIII--but actually good. :mokken:
I never finished V, it's pretty fun but I don't really like it. VI has to be, if not, my favorite out of all of them. The story was amazing and I just adore the characters. Now I don't know about other people, but I judge a lot of games because of their graphics, it's the first thing I point out. Chibiness just doesn't fit VI at all, I'd just want to see the characters with realistic graphics and stuff, I'd buy it :)
Final fantasy V and VI Remakes

Thats what I was thinking about about a week ago because they had 1,2,3,and 4 but not 5 and 6 so i think that it would be great to remake those two...
I would love an FF VI Remake. Best story, Best bad guy EVER (Shepy can suck it.) and the Magic system was awesome. Would totally buy.

Of course I say make a 360, PS3, Wii Version though. FULL 3D graphics and not the DS ones. Needs the best graphics.
Honestly, remakes for any old FF game to me is unnecessary but a FFVI remake would really allow the story of FFVI to be more rounded and expanded further -- while the game did have a great story I feel like they squeezed it into to small a package -- in my opinion an FFVI remake would be sweet!
OMG Final Fantasy VI being remade with full blown FFXIII like graphics would sloughter any RPG currently out there. The magic system was my favorite out of all the FF's and the optional characters you could aquire and different parties you could form just made my gaming day XD
I agree.

A Final Fantasy VI remake would ruin the charts with being the number one bought game eva! :eek:
I think it would be awesome. Maybe throw in a few more sidequests, minigames, and maybe some more storyline. Sort of update it while making it current and it would be SICK.
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