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  1. X

    What? The movie

    yea i just didnt like this movie i thought it was just random nothing-ness lol even tho that isnt a word ! but oh well
  2. X

    Which outfits do you like more?

    clouds and vincents .. in fact everyones was quite good but them two i just loved
  3. X

    .x. hiya everyone ! .x.

    awww yea i have a friend !! aww yea im deffintly gonna stay here !! xx
  4. X

    .x. hiya everyone ! .x.

    heya, im kat :D or katty or k-c what ever u wanna call me :D well what can i say .. im a lil english shortie ... lol yeah that about sums me up !! *cough* i come from england, im 16 and in full time education at college ! ... erm yea thats all im sayin ! if u wanna know anyfin else just...
  5. X

    Who is your favorite Aeon?

    Anima just because hes like pure evil !! you just got to love him !! .. well i do :P xx