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  1. InMyMemories

    @BustaMo Ohai.! c: And yeah, no messages, but that problem's fixed now. :3 & Thank you.! :x3:

    @BustaMo Ohai.! c: And yeah, no messages, but that problem's fixed now. :3 & Thank you.! :x3:
  2. InMyMemories

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    I'm not even going to go to the extents of strength with Cloud & Zack. c: Their both wield the same strength in my opinion. And i'm going to try and make this longer since this post is really short.. So, chyeah. :3 Their both amazing & strong. <3
  3. InMyMemories

    Aerith or Tifa?

    Arggaaahbooo. .___. Well, i'd pick Tifa, but.. to be honest.. I can't decide. :c Their both amazing. <3 :3
  4. InMyMemories

    Cloud is an Emo

    I entirely disagree with Cloud being an Emo. I mean, he is emotional and shows it.. but.. he has a pretty good damn reason to be this way. Squall may of had it harder then Cloud, come to say. But.. it really isn't anyone's fault for what happens. It just.. happens. They least expect it to...