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  1. Ree Toric

    Your favorit gunblade ...

    I actually like the revolver, I think it went with squalls outfit better....but thats just me.
  2. Ree Toric

    which character is most mature

    I would say Larsa, but he's not up in the pole vote so ill go with penelo. She is responsible for her age, speaks her mind, she is not a serious as Basch, but being serious dosent always mean someone is a prime example.
  3. Ree Toric

    Count down from 1,000

    51 it's almost done woot
  4. Ree Toric

    Who are your main guys?

    Ashe Vaan Balthier
  5. Ree Toric

    Count down from 1,000

    79 dunno
  6. Ree Toric

    Which death?

    I wanna die like a kid in my school did....playing chicken with a train.
  7. Ree Toric

    Name The Animal Above You

    Sugar Glider
  8. Ree Toric

    Name The Animal Above You

    box turtle
  9. Ree Toric

    Name The Animal Above You

  10. Ree Toric

    Name The Animal Above You

  11. Ree Toric

    Do you drink alcohol?

    Tequila, all I drink is tequila, hell im drinking a bottle of the stuff right now. I <3 tequila
  12. Ree Toric

    Name The Animal Above You

  13. Ree Toric


    I've been skating of about 6 years now, got my first sponsorship with a skateshop last summer. I skate both street and vert, but im better at vert. I dont really have a favorite skater, each of them offer a little something different that I like.
  14. Ree Toric


    Thanks, thats one more thing off my mind.
  15. Ree Toric

    What did you think of the Draw System?

    I liked it, it was a relief not having to waste a turn just to down a ether.
  16. Ree Toric

    Who are your main guys?

    Ashe-melee+Esper summons(yes I actually use them) Vaan-melee+Offensive magic Penelo-ranged+support/healing magic
  17. Ree Toric

    What would you do if you met your favorite ff charaacter?

    poke em' to see it they're real.
  18. Ree Toric

    I beat FFX, I am disappointed (spoilers inside)

    I was dissapointed with FFX too, not because of the ending, there wasnt really much in the way of sidequests, and I felt like I was being guided on invisible rails from the beginning to the end.
  19. Ree Toric

    What type of weapon does your main characters have?

    Ashe-Tournesol Vaan-Zodiac Spear Penelo-Fomalhaut