What did you think of the Draw System?

OOOOOmg but they help you beat omega weapon. <3333333333
oh yeah i fogot
well it is possible to do it without them but its harder
i prefer cards than hero drinks
So do I, but unfortunately, Ultimecia is too impatient to sit down and play cards with you =x
lol if only
i think shed be pretty good since shes in the future therefore she may know new rules to her region (if you can call a castle a region)
I bet she sits around the castle playing Triple Triad with her henchmen. LOL.
Awe >_<

She's so prude, I tell you.
Can't even sit down and have a decent game of cards.
She deserves to be killed. lol.
yeah all i wanted to do is have a nice little card game and then she tries to kill me!
At first I had my doubts, there is a distinct lack of availability with some spells when using draw, but once you get into the swing of things it seems to work for the game, so I think it would be a thumbs up
Personally, I liked the Draw sysetm. I never had to worry about running out of Magic, although I did have to be cautious about not missing out on any GF's because of it.

That's one thing that I hated about it: The fact that you could only get certain GF's by Drawing on bosses that would be better off having nothing to do with the Draw system. Did that make any sence to anyone other than me, myself, an I? lol
I thought it worked well with the game. If there was a draw system in FF XI for example, i wouldnt have liked it, but for me the draw system fitted well with VIII.
Actually, it was something rather unique about FFVIII. The magic may
not have been that strong, but you didn't have to waste money or time
to learn magic. Only thing you had to do was draw it from an enemy
and thats it.
Junctioning was stupid.
It made the game toooo easy.
I loved the Junction system. Not only did you not have to waste time leveling up or waste money, but it was something different and unique. As others have pointed out, it works well for the game. It also made it so that everyone had an equal chance of learning all the spells rather than designating one person and having that one person be the only one who can learn certain spells.

And I understand what you mean Yuffie. I didn't even know about Siren or Alexander till I stumbled across the info. somewhere by chance :huh:
I liked it, didn't really think it added all that much extra playtime to the game compared to leveling up your characters and GF's. The thing I liked most about it, was the fact that you could fully stock up without having to purchase it find a shop and purchase the magic.

i totally agree. i hated it when you went into a shop on ff7 and saw a materia that you liked/needed but you didnt have the money, you would hav e to either fight to get more gil or sell valubles like weapons and so on and that got fustrating.

What did you guys and gals think of the Draw System in FFVIII

I heard mixed stuff, some ppl enjoyed the Draw system, cause it added more difficulty to the game.

I personally hated the Draw system, cause like most of the time i would draw nottin or fail in drawing adding another 30 mins to my game play

You know i completely agree with you on that! it was a complete waste of time to add such a ridiculous system. your chances were random pending on your luck... but in the begining you cant really RAISE YOUR LUCK IN THE FIRST D@M PLACE! i think that they couldve made a different way to get those "certain" GFs. It was so STUPID
I loved the draw magic system, it make leveling up not as important as gathering the right combination of spells and getting your GFs and their abilities mastered. There's something to be said about a game where you can hit 99 and kill the final boss in a few hits. FFVIII was still a challenge to the end even with all the uber spells and high levels. It definately is my third fave ff game, after FFT and FFIV of course. The system was a good change of pace.