What did you think of the Draw System?

The draw system in FFVIII was great. I don't have to waste much money on magic because i could just draw magic from the enemies as well as some GF's (From certain bosses.)
i liked the draw system .... i like everything about ff8 :P
I liked the Draw system. It would take a while to depleet 100 of a magic.
And since each character can carry a maximum of 3200 spells. You're talking 10000+ spells for all 6 characters. If you took the other FF's your MP would probably reach around 6000-10000 (7 and before). But think if each magic you had. (Let's say 100 Meteors). If you thought of it in a way Meteor would cost 1 MP and you could use it 100 Times. But in the other games it runs out much quicker. Think 3200 spells.....3200 mp....
<Just make sure you junction something with that Magic Stat>
lol what is the draw system?? After you get the ifrit card get the mog and quistis one in the garden.. then keep stacking up on more and more cards.. then mod them all. Your characters are basically god for disc 1 and 2 lol. Card mod ftw yay :D
I didn't like it all that much. It was a good idea, but your stats went down when you used magic. That sucked.
There was really no need to use a lot of magic. Here's what I did if my stats ever went down though - for instance, if someone had Curaga attached to their health, and I had to use a few of those spells to heal a character up, I would make sure any other who didnt have it junctioned/who wasnt been trained, had spare Curagas. Then I would transfer over the amount needed to the the Junctioned Curaga person, and then I'd be ok.

The only magic you would ever use would be Cure based magics, Meltdown, Haste, Aura, and maybe Esunas. They're all relatively easy to refine/find at draw points.

Best system right after XII's. ;D
I really liked it. I loved everything about VIII. I thought it was awesome when your summons finally could grow levels and the detail of them, the best of the PS1. Leviathan had the most detail, you could see how the color of his scales faded together. In VII and IX Leviathan looked like play-doh to me. Draw system got tiresome after a while but it was pretty fun.
Hated It With A Passion! Id Max Out On A Magic And Then Combine It To A Stat And End Up Not Using It, Because It Lowered My Stats.

Easy Game None The Less... But A Didnt Hardly Use Any Magic At All
I loved the draw system, but it was easy to abuse (same goes for Materia system and License board system, though).

But it was awesome the way it was integrated to the GFs, by levelling them up you could get new junction slots if I'm correct.
To tell the truth it didn't bother me at all when I first played the game, since it was my very first FF game. I don't think its really good compared to other games though.