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  1. iceman

    Is it any good?

    hey ive never seen ff1 is it actually any good ive never actually seen it anywhere to buy would it be worth playin lined up next to the more recent ff titles
  2. iceman

    Final Fantasy VII? Nah, I never played it.

    an ff7 remake wud be great by not everyone is planning on gettin a ps3 i am but not str8 away 2 expensive maybe just bring it out on the ps2 u can still play it on ps3 anyway
  3. iceman

    Remake announcement 1/31/07?

    I hope they do remake it as long as they dont take it 2 far all it needs is better graphics. iceman
  4. iceman


    hey guys nice forum i ave 2 say ive only just got the internet back at home after bout 5 years so i have never had the chance to play ff11 i ave 2 say though its very hard 2 get hold of ive been lookin everywere ne tips on the best place to buy it cheers all iceman