Remake announcement 1/31/07?

No it hasn't, thats Crisis Core your thinking about there im guessing.

Don't argue with moi, you shall get raped.

EDIT: Just saw your edit, you sure your not talking about a FF VII PORT. cos thats a whole diffrent thing. Sure a PORT can go onto a PSP, but not a full scale REMAKE.

i'm not trying to start a argument with you, you told me to piss off for know reason

i'm talking about burning it onto a PSP disc. ( which can be done )
Sorry, I wasn't actually telling him to piss off its more of an expression towards the proposed idea that is obviously bogus.

It's alright, I just don't want to see any flaming or use of inappropriate language towards other members. This is something that can be talked about like rational adults. There's no need for controversy.

Edit: You guys are going way too off-topic so PLEASE stay on-topic! - Darkblade
i'm not trying to start a argument with you, you told me to piss off for know reason

i'm talking about burning it onto a PSP disc. ( which can be done )
Like I said, a port of some kind (and thus also a burn) of the original FF VII can be done however a remake similar to what has been shown in the past in the form of the Tech Demo cannot. I find it hard how such a big game like FF VII will fit onto PSP after reciving a major overhaul and if they do manage to pull it off, im sure it wouldn't be anything all too spectacular.
Like I said, a port of some kind (and thus also a burn) of the original FF VII can be done however a remake similar to what has been shown in the past in the form of the Tech Demo cannot. I find it hard how such a big game like FF VII will fit onto PSP after reciving a major overhaul and if they do manage to pull it off, im sure it wouldn't be anything all too spectacular.

FF7 is small ( you probably thinks it's big because it's on 3 cd disc. and if you still don't believe me put it into your computer and look at the data ), well PSP dosn't run on cd disc. ( there disc. are able to hold much more memory than a cd )
To be honest I have to agree with most of the other posts on this thread, I won't believe it until I here it straight from the horses mouth. (Was that a horse that just walked past my window?)
I don't know if they are remaking the whole game but I do know they redid the first part for a PS3 demon

when I said demon I meant demo
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Nuh i would say its bullshit cause it would of been on the official square website. Plus why would they say it now they should give us word when the game's half complete or something. That tech demo is just a demonstration how the ff7 would look if it was on ps3.
oh men this will be great,,
BLAH!! YOU thought i believed yah didn't you ahehehe, well anyway i hope your bluff came to reality:D
It is a possibility that the FFVII remake may have been/ may still be an underground project - maybe there halfway done making it, after all what a great way to celebrate the greatest game of all times tenth anniversary but with a remake? *sigh* one can dream.......
I believe I heard a long time ago, around the time of the Tech Demo that Square was going to consider a remake, but only after they got finished with all the projects ahead of them, which I believe was 6 or 7 different games
This has got to be BS!

Think about it, a game this massive! A game IMO that was the most popular and still remains the most popular FF to date, compounded with the largest fan base of any FF ever made.

Now, with all of that in mind, there is no way on the face of this Earth that Square-Enix would be able to keep something this BIG a secret. Some type of concrete proof would have leaked out on the net long ago.

Don't get me wrong, I'd give a lot to see an updated remake for the PS3, but I don't think it's going to be announced anytime soon and if it is true, believe me! I'll be more than happy to eat my words!
I don't see why SE would be so hesitant to remake FFVII. It is by far the safest venture they could take, as it would become an insta-hit, instead of the spinoffs or remakes they've made as of late. But I think that SE sees that they have a future hit on their hands if they ever get themselves in a tight spot in the future, and might save remaking FFVII for that time.

(FF7 PS3 realtime tech demo)
It's only a demo.They'll never remake it.
I hope they do remake it as long as they dont take it 2 far all it needs is better graphics.

FF7 is small ( you probably thinks it's big because it's on 3 cd disc. and if you still don't believe me put it into your computer and look at the data ), well PSP dosn't run on cd disc. ( there disc. are able to hold much more memory than a cd )
FF VII is a smallish game compared to todays standers yes, I know the main reason why it's on three discs is because of the FMV's. But its still a lenghty game regardless and after the redoing, including the newly redone FMV's, it won't be so small. Think about it logicly.

One of the reasons why remakes of FF VII are so talked about, aswell as the Tech Demo, is because of the remakes/re-releases of FF's I-VI. Square Enix has gone to the trouble of redoing these games largely to introduce fans to the earlier titles that they may not be familier with because they don't have a console that they can play them on (NES and SNES for example) or because of regional restrictions (after all, not everyone lives in Japan ;). This does not mean the rest of the Final Fantasy seires will get similar treatment. Most people are familer to VII, theres no need to re-introduce it to a younger fan base because it is still widely played on the newer consoles, hense why Square Enix THEMSELFS have issued a statement that says they don't plan on a remake till technology used in their developing consoles prevents the use of old Playstation discs. One day the disc will be absolete, and Sony will seek a new media for games. That is the time to start thinking of a re-make to the classic Final Fantasy VII.
FF VII is a smallish game compared to todays standers yes, I know the main reason why it's on three discs is because of the FMV's. But its still a lenghty game regardless and after the redoing, including the newly redone FMV's, it won't be so small. Think about it logicly.

One of the reasons why remakes of FF VII are so talked about, aswell as the Tech Demo, is because of the remakes/re-releases of FF's I-VI. Square Enix has gone to the trouble of redoing these games largely to introduce fans to the earlier titles that they may not be familier with because they don't have a console that they can play them on (NES and SNES for example) or because of regional restrictions (after all, not everyone lives in Japan ;). This does not mean the rest of the Final Fantasy seires will get similar treatment. Most people are familer to VII, theres no need to re-introduce it to a younger fan base because it is still widely played on the newer consoles, hense why Square Enix THEMSELFS have issued a statement that says they don't plan on a remake till technology used in their developing consoles prevents the use of old Playstation discs. One day the disc will be absolete, and Sony will seek a new media for games. That is the time to start thinking of a re-make to the classic Final Fantasy VII.

i agree with this statement...makes sense and it's clear. all we have to do now is wait and wait until they re-make FF7 because its pretty obvious to SE that FF7 was one the greatest RPG made and they will remake for others and us to "understand" the WHOLE story line better once they hopefully remake it.
What do they have to lose? Even if it sucked it (seems unlikely) would sell A LOT just because it was FFVII. As long as they weren't TOO drastic with the updates, it's virtually a risk-free investment.