Final Fantasy VII? Nah, I never played it.


Hardcore Hero
Oct 24, 2006
Sometimes the World that Never Was, sometimes Cast
Does anyone else think that with Sqeenix's recent whoring of FF7 they should release an update of the original and best FF7 title. The reason I say this is that the game (FF7) is not available in the stores anymore, and besides who buys PS1 games anymore? Before any newcomers are gonna play a heavily-plot based game like FF they're going to want to play the original before they get stuck into the sequel. Perhaps a port of it on PSP would good idea?
PSP port, PS3 remake, I don't care, I WANT FFVII again! I still have my original, but it's starting to lose it's luster. After playing it soooo many times I could really go for a remake.
A PSP port would be SWEET!

But i want remake more than anything else - hell id sell one of my KIDNEYS to see a PS3 remake :lol: im hoping that its an underground project.
The only place you can really get VII now is off ebay. I'm surprised that square hasn't rereleased the original FFVII since it is so popular right now.
I would really like to see them make a remake, but it doesn't seem that it will happen :/ I wish it would, though, because of the sheer popularity and fame of FFVII and Advent Children.

(I've actually been buying Ps1 games for my PS2...I got FFVIII recently and I'll probably end up getting the chocobo games soon...but I got the PC version of FFVII instead of the PS1 version as it was cheaper.)
if they remade this game, it would have to be identical in every way except graphics, I am not having some one from Square fuck up the best game they have made to date.
I think that a PS3 remake would be the best considering best graphics and besides there making Crisis Core for the PSP, id rather see it on the PS3 and that would defiantly sell more PS3's so that would make the most sense.... i would think......
Does anyone else think that with Sqeenix's recent whoring of FF7 they should release an update of the original and best FF7 title. The reason I say this is that the game (FF7) is not available in the stores anymore, and besides who buys PS1 games anymore? Before any newcomers are gonna play a heavily-plot based game like FF they're going to want to play the original before they get stuck into the sequel. Perhaps a port of it on PSP would good idea?

I was reading a post in the FFXII section earlier and someone called that a moneymaker (no but sucked) shit, if Square (f*** enix) wanted a money maker...all they would have to do is re release FFVII on PS3...if sony every released any new units they would fly off the shelves even faster. Seriously though...a PS3 remake of FFVII?! Who wouldn't sell a vital organ for that? (and you just might have to to get the playstation) ;)

on a side note, does anyone else think the PS3 looks like a new age Atari?
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an ff7 remake wud be great by not everyone is planning on gettin a ps3 i am but not str8 away 2 expensive maybe just bring it out on the ps2 u can still play it on ps3 anyway
I am getting a PS3 next Chrimbo (It'll be donkey years before the UK gets it anyway) and I would love a PS3 re-make. Its been debated on a lot of forums and the general feeling you get is that most people don't want it, however if Square (indeed f**** enix) did release it, it would indeed be one horse of a money-maker. However I seem to recall someone from SE saying that they have no plans on ever remaking FF7. God I wish I owned Square.
I already own the game, beat it, and loved it. It's not worth my money to play a game with the exact same story, characters, etc, over again. AND, if they tamper with the story if they make a newer version of the game, Squenix will surely disappoint many fans and long-time supporters.
A remake thats identical to the PS1 version except better graphics?!... god I hate graphic whore RPG players... ¬.¬ ...besides FF7 wasnt as stellar a game as the people who praise it think it is...
It goes without saying that if FFVII was remade, it would have better graphics. PS3 will probably virtually incapable of producing anything different.

The graphics aren't what matters though.
The most important things to me are better translations and a fully orchestrated or revamped music track.
It goes without saying that if FFVII was remade, it would have better graphics. PS3 will probably virtually incapable of producing anything different.

The graphics aren't what matters though.
The most important things to me are better translations and a fully orchestrated or revamped music track.

dude the playstation has the capability for orchestrated music already... so if they wanted it, they could have done it... and revamped music? why not just revamp the script... thats what was lacking... XD
LOL. I know, the translations were horrible.
Some of the things they said...I had to go back and read it like five times over before I was like..."ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

I know, FFVII was already fully orcestrated, but the sound quality sucked.
Yeah the translation was bad and the game didnt make much sense at times... so if they do make a remake... might as well do the whole package... not just a glossy new cover...
To be honest, if I hadn't gotten online and read through those explanatory essays that people write, I would probably still be confused about half of the story line. lol.
To be honest, if I hadn't gotten online and read through those explanatory essays that people write, I would probably still be confused about half of the story line. lol.

well unless those essays are written by people who wrote the storyline, I dont know, I cant put my faith in it...