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  1. Genji

    Whose a pirate?! (Torrent downloader discussion)

    I am a huge pirate. Paying for stuff is lame imho pls.
  2. Genji

    What were your dreams last night?

    I was making out with my girlfriend. That's like the 4th night in a row.
  3. Genji

    Lydon, imho, wins. November 23rd 2006 "THE SEX PISTOLS star JOHNNY ROTTEN cancelled a cameo appearance in TENACIOUS D AND THE PICK OF DESTINY after demanding "a million dollars" from producers. Star KYLE GASS claims Rotten - real name JOHN LYDON - made the demand just to be...
  4. Genji

    What would you want to see more in clothing stores?

    In clothing stores, I want Punk Attire. Cheap, reasonable punk attire. Out here, the only shop that has anything like that is Hot Topic and 1. They're a bunch of greedy rotters who love to make you pay unreasonable amounts of money for something simple. 2. It's a big poser shop. There really...
  5. Genji

    Microsoft: Hate it or love it?

    I hate Microsoft. They're a big gaping corporal asshole on this earth. They have crappy, buggy software. It crashes all the time. I use Linux distros. Linux is way better because the communities care about the people, and not the money. Since they're making little money from the people anyway...
  6. Genji

    Nake principal found with sex toys watching gay porn in office

    I found this news report humorous to say the least. I was watching the news and I hear "A principal was found in his office watching gay porn and masturbating." And I just started cracking up laughing.
  7. Genji

    Did FFXII meet your expectations?

    I thought it would be a mediocre game, however, now I think this is possibly the best Final Fantasy yet.
  8. Genji

    Vaan too whimpy?

    Well, I hate Vaan. He's an annoying dumbass. However, I use him anyway, because he has good stats. All the idiots have good stats on Final Fantasy. Kind of like how Tidus was one of my best characters and I hated him too.
  9. Genji

    Future Sight

    Maybe so, but I don't see Square-Enix dropping an aspect of gameplay like that anytime soon. They might use some for airship names, but I believe they'll continue using them in the traditional way.
  10. Genji

    Hello thar.

    And if anyone goes to EoFF, I was Genji on there. I got banned. I promise not to be an asshole on these forums. ;)
  11. Genji

    Your Most Hilarious Death

    I was walking around the area near Rabanastre and I thought it was all easy killing those Cockatrices. Well, then I met that special one, who is pretty strong. I started attacking it, and I noticed that Balthier died. I was thinking, "Oh god. NO!!" And I start running and my gambits keep going...
  12. Genji

    Which OS ?

    I use Ubuntu Linux. Best OS ever.
  13. Genji

    Loot For ££££

    Right now for me it's killing Skeleton enemies in the mines, and selling the bone fragments that they drop. I'm not too far in the game, just beat Judge Ghis. (with only one Quickening. ;))
  14. Genji

    Hello thar.

    Thanks for the greeting. That's a nice sig you got there, I'm a self-proclaimed expert sig artist myself. I should post some of my signatures. :D
  15. Genji

    Hello thar.

    Hello, I am new to the Final Fantasy Forums. I guess you can all greet me now and whatnot. :P