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  1. captain_lefty

    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character: Auron. I LUUUURVE Auron! Favorite Male Character: See above. Although Jecht and O'aka come close. Favorite Female Character: Lulu Favorite Boss: Evrae (the first time round), purely bceause I had to teach my dad how to beat him, and that sense of superiority is hard to beat...
  2. captain_lefty

    Lulu or Paine

    I voted for Lulu but I love Paine too - it was nice to have her to counterbalance all the happy girly girliness in X-2...
  3. captain_lefty


    My brother and I discussed Larsa's gender for quite some time... We decided we didn't know what the hell he/she/it was! It was the voice that sorted it in my head... just about. I think he could have done with having a sliiiightly more masculine feel about his outfit - that probably would have...
  4. captain_lefty

    Squall & Vincent

    I love both Vincent and Squall, bless them! They both have issues...! Both of them are damned sexy too... rrr.;)
  5. captain_lefty

    FF Villians: Who would win in a fight?

    OMG yeah... Seph is one scary dude in KH... I reckon Kuja or Seymour might be able to get the better of him, though... Those guys are sneaky.
  6. captain_lefty

    Ps2 problem???

    Sometimes problems can occur with PS1 games on the PS2 if the console's getting old - my old PS2 went stroppy on me and refused to play any PS1 games, DVDs, CDs OR PS2 games with blue undersides... Got a shiny new one now though, and it plays everything (including FFV - I stormed X-Death's...
  7. captain_lefty

    Greetings and Salutations!

    LOL. You can bite if you like, but not too hard, mm'kay?! XD
  8. captain_lefty

    Your A team?

    Auron - "Welcome to your doom" (I had the ultimate weapon, HUGE stats, Auto-haste, Auto-med and SOS Regen - practically unstoppable!) Lulu - When all else fails, toast their asses! Wakka/Tidus - Depending on the situation
  9. captain_lefty

    Greetings and Salutations!

    Hey howdy hey! :D Name's captain_lefty, pleased to meetcha! As always, I have NO idea what to say... except please be gentle!