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  1. jacixrain

    Riku - Hero or Villain?

    Riku is a bad ass hero. ^_^ All through the game he was obviously tryin to do good, but he kinda lost his way, and yet he didn't. At some point he knew what he was doin, whether his reasons were bad or good in one's eyes, he was only trying to do what he thought was right, and it worked out...
  2. jacixrain

    Was magic important in battle?

    Honestly, I hardly ever used magic, except if i need 2 heal, and if i really have no other options, and sometimes i just get frustrated and just cast watever magic i have left... :giggle: :shame:
  3. jacixrain


    Hey ppl! I'm new here and I hope to make some new buddies, drop me a line sumtime. Oh, call me erin. ;)
  4. jacixrain

    Will this final fantasy game bring the PS3 out of the hole?

    Heck yah it will. The public is waiting for these games whether they know it or not. :P