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  1. Ezekiel Vex

    Hot men

    No doubt... What can I say? I think Im a sexy beast xD
  2. Ezekiel Vex

    Crisis Core IGN: We have english FFVII:CC vids!

    I was looking up some videos yesterday and I found vids of the summons that will be on it. Ifrit's video made me bust a nut. Bahamut Zero's was pretty rad, and same with Odin.
  3. Ezekiel Vex

    Crisis Core Is this ever gonna come out?

    I just say the commercial for it yesterday and it looks completely badass. I'm gonna have to pawn off my brother and sister to buy a PSP and the game.
  4. Ezekiel Vex

    What's your mood?

    Mood: Mellow Reason: Higher than a kite. j/k, I'm always mellow.
  5. Ezekiel Vex

    FFX-2 Lulu in X-2

    Hell hath no fury like that of a pregnant woman xD It would still be comical to see Lu all pissed off and killing shit cause she was PMSing.
  6. Ezekiel Vex

    Overdrive Mode

    Yeah, Warrior mode was the best for most of the time, esspecially when characters got stronger. I usually just stuck with that one, or Stoic.
  7. Ezekiel Vex

    FFX-2 Lulu in X-2

    Hopefully, if Lulu replaced Paine that skimpy outfits would still be used. Lulu + minimal clothing = god. But storyline wise, it wouldnt have been so good cause Lulu would have been all bitchy cause she was pregnant.
  8. Ezekiel Vex

    Did you like Squall?

    I never really got too far into the game so I never really knew much about the characters but from what I could tell, Squall was okay. Not the coolest, but whatev.
  9. Ezekiel Vex

    Stealing Huge Materia

    Even if you don't get the materia off the rocket, it still just crashes into Meteor and doesn't save the plantet.
  10. Ezekiel Vex

    Do you like how shiva looks?

    Her design impressed me. SE managed to keep her similar to past appearances but added more to make her better. Truely a feat to accomplish. She wasn't my favorite summon, Ifrit was, but she was in second place.
  11. Ezekiel Vex

    Favourite FF quotes

    "When I grow up, I want to be a blitzball" -Boy FFX *Dream denied* xD
  12. Ezekiel Vex

    Final Fantasy X movie?

    I don't think they should try to do a FFX movie. The sequal for X didn't work out very well so I wouldn't risk making it worse with a movie.
  13. Ezekiel Vex

    who do you like better squall or seifer?

    I never got through much of the game but I always thought Siefer was more badass. Squall earned points when he showed up in KH 1 and 2 but so did Seifer in KH2.
  14. Ezekiel Vex

    Do you have a significant other?

    I'd like to have a girlfriend but frankly, I cant afford one. Im a minimalist, basically. I'm fine with not having a lot of money and surviving simply on things I need. With a GF, I'll need to get my license, a car, money for food, movies, gifts, a job, ect.
  15. Ezekiel Vex

    most badass lead character

    Yeah, his bike was pretty rad, in both VII and AC. Im gonna have to customize me a bike like that when I steal all of Bill Gate's money xD
  16. Ezekiel Vex

    What is your first Square Enix franchise?

    My first Square game was Dragon Warrior. The first one for the NES. I still have my NES and the game. And I've also recently beat DW again. I lost my console and games a while back but found them in the process of moving.
  17. Ezekiel Vex

    Words you overuse.

    I forgot a couple. o daym craipshait and shitcakes
  18. Ezekiel Vex

    FF7 Spin-offs

    I seriously need to get a job so I can buy a PSP...and some new freakin games. Sony continues to amaze me more and more with their stuff.
  19. Ezekiel Vex

    most badass lead character

    Geez, no one on that list has enough badassery to compete with Cloud.
  20. Ezekiel Vex

    Cutest FF Girl

    Tifa, Yuna (FFX-20, Rikku (Both). And Ashe, micro miniskirts FTW!