Cutest FF Girl


she so fit and athletic plus a big bonus shes a princess.
I voted for my gf who races in NFSU2, a certain ex-Summoner previously from Final Fantasy X and destroyer of a rampaging monster... :D

But other than her (bias, bias!), I would have casted my votes for the following hot babes also: Rikku, Lulu, Tifa, Rinoa, and Aerith...
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Rikku and lulu i would say. Even though i love penelo she is more cute than hot. Fran is NOT hot!
I'm one of the hated few but I picked Rinoa.
She reminds me of a girlfriend I had at the time I started playing the game. One of the main reasons I took to FFVIII so well.
The one with biggest breasts is certainly a key player on the poll, she is skinny too. Most to all ff girls are skinny though.

I wont pick my favorite.
almost all of each female characters were "well" designed to look hot. I voted Lulu, but I would choose Tifa or Fran like one of the hottest females in ff :P
almost all of each female characters were "well" designed to look hot. I voted Lulu, but I would choose Tifa or Fran like one of the hottest females in ff :P

I know, you can almost generalize that they are all beautiful aesthetically speaking. I wonder what makes them that way though ...?

My favorite is prob rikku. She is fit,healthy, has a lot of energy and is alot of fun.
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I voted Rinoa, there's just something about her that draws me to vote for her. But i could easily have voted for Tifa (advent children version that is) or Yuna and Rikku ( FFX-2) and Lulu is just something special ;-)
It is a tie to me between Tifa and Aerith but I gave the vote to Aerith since she has less.
i voted for Rydia, as her Green outfit is amazingly hot, and she looks great. if you ever tell a soul that i just voted here, i will hunt you down with a couple M20s and grenades.