Cutest FF Girl

Rinoa's my pick, simply because she IS the hottest Video game girl character to me, and comes pretty close to my image of an ideal woman, looks and personality wise XD
I think that Tifa is the hottest.^^
Then it's yuna
Then Rikku

ill go all day if i name them all...^^ well all the chicks that i no bcuz i havent played some of the FFs
I voted other cuz I think Lenne (not Lenna) is the hottest FF woman to date! I mean come on, long brown hair, soft skin only a fictional character would be able to pull off. Plus, she must've been racking up the gil with her singing job! Perfection!
Tough choice realy... I guess the "hottest" would be Tifa... Busty barmaid, long dark hair, short skirt, cute face...

But I think, probably based more on beauty I love Terra. I dunno, I just have a fascination with that character. But we're lucky there are lots of hot women in the FF series.

I see some of you have ordered, I'll list my top 5 fave.

she is just beautiful.She fits perfectly in my stereotype of beauty(long black hair,pale skin,pretty eyes and gorgeous face)
if I could pick 4 more they would be:
sorry to all the pretty ladies I missed(Terra,Aerith,Rinoa,Garnet,Yuna,Lulu,Ashe etc)
I went with someone most people don't: Yuffie. She doesn't have enormous breasts like Tifa or Lulu, and she isn't the girl next door pretty like Aerith but she is the prettiest one to me. There is something about her I just can't quite put my finger on.
Yknow you couldnt have written this better with the 2 hottest chick in all of FF leading the way, this but what about selphie?.....Tifa has a nice rack!....oh is that to forward? who cares FF is full of hot chick with big mammaries
such as: lulu
tifa's mom(?)

alright thats enough you sick fuck!
I went with Rinoa because she has a petite feminine figure which makes her look hot in her denim button up skirt.
Aerith/Aeris in my opinion, not only because she was in the first Final fantasy game I ever played but she has a cuteness to her that I cannot help but love.
It was a toss-up between Celes, Tifa, Beatrix, and Garnet. Maybe because they all look so similar. >.> Garnet would be the hottest, if there was a non-cartoon version of FF9. It sounds weird, but it's true.

Yuffie's a kleptomaniac. Selphie is air-headed. Quistis has the self-confidence of a piece of plankton. Any of the FF10 women are too crazy.

But, whatever. *Real* ones are the best ones, y'know?
Tifa-babe!!!! She's the hottest girl in any game I've played so far... xD Besider her being hot. Her attitude and personality tops it. ^^
/rubs chin thoughtfully while smoking a pipe
Hmm... I say they're all pretty hot.
But I'd lower it down to Tifa and Rikku. Because they have pretty nice bodies.
But Tifa has a more mature hotness. More grown up, I guess. So I'll go with her.
But Rikku's still pretty damn hawt. I'd tap bo- ;D
owait wat >u>
i say yuna in X-2.she really changed and now there is a hot side to her i am now seeing