Cutest FF Girl

I didn't realise Id already voted in here, and I chose Lucrecia :wacky:

Although I do have a strong attachment to Aeris and Rinoa. Those big green eyes of Aeris's just suck me in. Green eyes are he best!
It's a tough choice between Tifa and Rinoa but I voted Tifa, always been a Tifa kind of guy, so hot, realistic, dedicated and strong, no weak little piddly Yuna-ness there *drools*... well perhaps not.
Refia is way underrated.

She the only red headed FF girl, and one of the only red headed FF characters you can have in your party.

She is one of the only girls that is never in need of a rescue and the only lead girl that never has to be rescued.

She's not stereotypical in any way. The job system let's you choose what you want her to be, so it is possible to make her the badass of the game.

It's also nice that her outfits are not slutty.

Even her normal life is pretty cool. She's being trained to take over her father as a black smith, something you would more likely expect from a male character.

She also manages to make those puritan-like clothes look kind of sexy.

Tifa is nice and all, but she looks like every other generic anime girl.

Rikku, it's nice to have a blond, but most people are referring to her from X2 and I don't understand how anyone can tolerate her for more than 10 seconds in X2. XD
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Nope I liked Rikku in FFX, she's a slut in X-2... But I haven't played the game with Refia in it so I didn't choose her :omg:
I'm not sure which FF installment Refia is from but she is nice on the eye. Although she doesn't look amazingly red-headed, it's very blond as far as I can tell :/

I do like her outfit though and yes, Tifa is very typical of an anime female but there's nothing wrong with that :D.
I'm not sure which FF installment Refia is from but she is nice on the eye. Although she doesn't look amazingly red-headed, it's very blond as far as I can tell :/.

FFIII :monster:

She quite possibly has the best outfit of the lot on that list, I love it. Well, maybe apart from Rinoa but Im biased. Altho those boots would be PERFECT with a heel :wacky:
TIFA TIFA TIFA TIFA! Who ever is picking Rikku is ridiculous! She'd annoying you with her "poopie" talk. She acts 10 years old!! ohhh....maybe that's the guys are SICK!
TIFA TIFA TIFA TIFA! Who ever is picking Rikku is ridiculous! She'd annoying you with her "poopie" talk. She acts 10 years old!! ohhh....maybe that's the guys are SICK!

These are peoples opinions, please dont call them ridiculous or sick. Joking or not.
I hear she's got a good rump on her but I haven't seen a pic showing it off good enough.


Please put more effort into your post, and please be more specific.
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Meh, which Final Fantasy girl isn't sexy? :P
I guess Yuna, Yuffie, Paine and Tifa are my favourites...