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  1. C


    use a brall book, that says ur orange was stolen. Then put the blind mans hands on the book so he can read it.
  2. C

    hell-o anyone

    hi, nice to read ya
  3. C


    did u beat anima? he shows up at mount gagazet.
  4. C

    I need...

    lol i beat ya
  5. C

    I need...

    and i know ill see ur face again
  6. C

    I need...

    take a pill
  7. C

    What do forums become ?

    im a member of a couple of ff forums and i have notice that when ur in a small forum u know every one and got along fine. where as in the bigger forums there is more conflict and arguments. so far i get along with people fine but the way they treat the other members can be quite mean, yeah...
  8. C

    Hey all!

    hi man
  9. C


    officaly there r three games, but there is mention of a 4th as far as i know.
  10. C

    FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

    As an rpg it is a good game but i wont rate it so highly as a ff title. but saying this i nither hate it or love it. It was lacking in the story department and not very exciting, the characters where bland and dull and i didnt feel a connection to them,and the talking was horrible. The...
  11. C

    Wakka, useful in battle!

    wakka was only usefull at fighting the flying fiends, other than that i didnt like kim. he was kind of slow in the brain department. I forgot the water battles, he usefull for that to.
  12. C

    hi guys

    hi guy im clone an ff fan, since playing ff vii iv been drawn to the world of ff and have played most of them from vii and up. any way i want to make friends who r into ff aswell and find out out what ur opinions r and such.