Wakka, useful in battle!


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
I think Wakka was the best party member battlewise ever. He has the agility, the ability to hit things way in the back row, inflict status ailments with his attacks and had the best overdrive ever. A successful attack reels attack was deadly

Yet alot of people seem to find him useless, I don't get it. What are everones views on Wakka?

He lives in my line up, I rarely switch him, unless Im trying to evenly distribute the exp
yeah the attack reels was unfair on the enemy really. they stand no chance, he is does less damage then tidus and auron in most of the game, but he is very useful against evrae,

the status thing was good, mostly darkness and early in the game
I always liked using Wakka. He was very handy for any flying monster and if you send him up Auron's track after completing his own he's pretty badass.

I think a lot of people say he is useless because they do not like him as a character. I liked his character actually. Sure he was a racist but he gets over it as the game goes on. I always wondered why the other characters didn't hold any contempt for Rikku. It could have made the interaction among the characters more interesting.
I rarely used Wakka and when I did I was soo mad he was useless... then I got attack reels and started leveling him up >_<

He was so strong after he was being used I was kicking myself for the lack of use x.x

He is very useful in battle and he is good next to Auron and maybe lulu such a good team.
I used wakka quite a bit. His attacks with flying monsters came in handy and for those who were in the back row. So, meh. I liked him. Plus, he had good Aim, for when he was blind he had more of a chance of hitting his enemy.

Just put him on Auron's page and it'll be all cool. He will be one of the strongest characters you'll have.

His character was funny, IMO. I liked him at some points except for when he was being stubborn but even then I found it amusing at times. =).
He was pretty strong when I played the game first time because I sent him on Auron's grid(didn't even know at thjat time). And after a few battles I just noticed that he was the real damage dealer in my party.>_<
And his attack reels is just......overpowered....not that I complain.:rolleyes:
I didn't like his character but that doesn't mean he's useless.:)
I stuck with the team of Lulu, Yuna and Tidus for far too many play-throughs, so I never took advantage of his usefulness until many replays later.

How foolish I felt when I saw how awesome he became so quickly. :wacky: I manage to get his STR quite high early on, so it's smooth sailing when using him in my party. Though I'm far more partial to utilizing my entire team as opposed to the one party, he's always up first along with Lulu and Yuna (retained those lovely gaiz. <3)

But yeah, those status effects are brilliant. Pity about his attire though...
Wakka is a great character. He is very accurate, which will especially come in handy in the beginning with all of those flying monsters. I liked his way of talking, when I just bought the game he made me laugh. :)

Attack Reels is by far the best attack in the game. Once you master the little game you will deal immense damage. It will mostly come in handy when you play the Monster Arena. Of course you can play the game without him easily, but he will make it much easier when you know how to use him. The Dark status effect is really great in the beginning. I must admit I haven't used him much on the first play.
I pretty much levelled everyone as equal as possible but once it came to heading round the sphere grid the second time my prioties soon became Wakka, Yuna & Auron

Wakka has saved my arse so many times with a successful attack reels attack it's crazy, I just used entrust(?) on everyone and keep filling his overdrive bar to kick some arse it was hime and Yuna alone I used to beat Dark Bahamut.

Bloody petrification and lack of ribbon on Auron >_<
I think that wakka was quite useful in battle. he wasnt one of the powerhouses but if you went through his sphere grid right, he can become quite handy in battles where you cant reach enemies and you need someone to deal moderate damage and fast.
Anyone notice that it takes Tidus forever to actually get up to par with Auron and Wakka?

Oh well, =). Wakka was good with those status attacks.
Wakka has always been a pivotal player in my party. His skills (dark attack especially) are very useful at all stages of the game. He can hit far off targets with physical damage, and he is the best against aerial targets. As some already mentioned, his reels are lethal, though I relied more on Yuna's Grand Summon when in a pinch than his reels.

I would rank him as one of my most important players. At least until the final battles, he played a prominent role in every battle. But for some reason, as I near the end of the game I don't use him nearly as much. Probably because I don't have the patience to activate his ultimate weapon.

I loved his personality actually, and he was one of the funner characters. Wakka wasn't the brightest, but he and Tidus were both on the same wavelength if you know what I mean.
Man, I don't really like Wakka, but he was a real heavy hitter in my team. He was very agile, and with a custamization I used to have for his weapon, Auto-Heal, he was UNSTOPPABLE. :3 Switch Hitter also worked well.
Yeah, Wakka is quite possibly the most useful clutch warrior in your party at any given time. Thank goodness you could keep switching members in and out of the battle party all the time too, since those flying monsters were pretty tough to hit without him.
Wakka was good for me later in the game, and I used him regardless of his character in-story.
However, once I'd done some (power-)levelling on my party, I kinda stopped using him so much, except in the arena.
I know his Attack Reels were good, but I used Tidus/Yuna/Auron so much more for the story, but Tidus/Wakka/Yuna for the Calm Lands Arena.
wakka was only usefull at fighting the flying fiends, other than that i didnt like kim. he was kind of slow in the brain department. I forgot the water battles, he usefull for that to.
i HATE wakka i always made jokes about him

Im talking about in battle petal ltho he did have the most annoying accent ever

Celestial weapon + attack reels = annhilation :wacky: It did take an absolute age to get his weapon though, bloody Blitzball was the bane of my existence. He easily has the best overdrive in the game though, it was definaetly worth working for to get his weapon/attack reels
Im talking about in battle petal ltho he did have the most annoying accent ever

Celestial weapon + attack reels = annhilation :wacky: It did take an absolute age to get his weapon though, bloody Blitzball was the bane of my existence. He easily has the best overdrive in the game though, it was definaetly worth working for to get his weapon/attack reels

I kinda enjoyed playing blitzball, therefore me getting his celestial weapon was not as annoying as people made it out to be. haha.

Wakka's overdrive was sooo hardcore! Loved it.