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  1. S

    Maybe on Xbox?

    I REALLY hope they make it for 360 Mod edit: Could you put a little more effort in your post, please? :)
  2. S

    I think its the Gargoyle Mission i guess nobody knows.............
  3. S

    Dirge of Cerberus Highest lvl achievment

    No, i'm talking about the highest lvl, not rank.
  4. S

    Dirge of Cerberus Highest lvl achievment

    I wonder what's the highest lvl you can achieve in DoC. Have any of you guys reached the limit. The thing that sucked was the story was sooo short that you didn't have enough time to lvl up. When you go back to a old mission they start you at the lvl you were at the time! How high did you get!:P
  5. S

    I think its the Gargoyle Mission

    Have any of you beaten the bonus mission that requires you to kill the 8 or so gargoyles? I got to the end where 50 come out, and then i just run out of ammo. Got any tips?
  6. S

    Dirge of Cerberus How much did you pay for DoC?

    I paid the full $49.99 price.....what a ripoff!
  7. S

    Dirge of Cerberus Game Length

    If it takes you more than 30 hours to beat the story missions...than you shouldn't be playing. I took me maybe 14 hours. The game overall isn't very good. Ending boss battle was HORRIBLE!!!
  8. S

    Sphere Grid completed for all characters

    Have you completed the sphere grid?
  9. S

    Conquering the Sphere Grid.

    I made the biggest mistake ever! I led Kimarhi down a mage path, so he was really weak.
  10. S

    Sphere Grid completed for all characters

    My friend said that he filled up the whole sphere grid for each character! I don't know if i should believe him or not. From past experience, i realized that i would never be able to fill up the whole sphere grid. Have any of you guys filled it up?
  11. S

    FFX Funniest fight

    I think the funniest fight i fought was the cactuars...if that's what they were called.