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  1. CYuna

    Celestial Yuna's Gallery

    It's been a long, long time since I've done any graphics work.. I've been trying to put it all on deviantart and I just recently designed my wedding invitations that I'll be using for my guests. Please tell me what you think and sorry in advance for the blurring out of names and places,.. you...
  2. CYuna

    Yuna and Shuin Request

    lol.. I see that.. I like them all as they hold a good feel to each and everyone you've made. Now to choose which one to use is the question, lol. Thanks. ^_^
  3. CYuna

    Insert dramtic entrance here

    Hey don't get me wrong, but I still love the FF classics.. it's just hard for me to play them since my fiance/husband won't really let me touch them nor will my youngest daughter... lol!
  4. CYuna

    Worst FF character

    This one is easy.. Edward the Bard from FFIV.. he was totally useless as all he did was play music attacks at the enemy. O.o
  5. CYuna

    Yuna and Shuin Request

    That's fine by me.. as I said, I'm more so with the emotion of it all and I know no one can do what I envision down to a T, but at least it makes a good "view" as to what I am looking at or hoping forward if that makes sense. I'm sure you'll do a fine job and as far as the images.. hmm odd...
  6. CYuna

    Last anime you watched

    The last one I saw was My neighbor Totoro.. it was pretty good, cute, and funny at the same time. I would recommend this movie as well as one that I just finished watching now... Grave of the Fireflies.. it's a very sad anime, but really, really, good. I'm looking for some more anime to watch...
  7. CYuna

    You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

    You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When... Your fiance/husband asks you what would you like to name your next child if you have one together and you call out, "Yuna if it's a girl or Balthier if it's a boy."
  8. CYuna

    SOTW 47 Voting

    My vote went for number 3. It's not all that easy to get a soft effect as that, not to mention with the different blends of colors to compliment one another.. it takes a lot of layers to get that done. Sure I like number 1 as well, but honestly, it looks like he/she just took two backgrounds...
  9. CYuna

    Oh hi >_>

    Man and here I was wondering what to do with the two copies of both 8 and 9 here.. man.. keep forgetting they can scratch up bad to where you can't play them anymore.. sorry to hear that. =/ Welcome to the forums and hopefully you'll feel better again soon. ^_^
  10. CYuna

    FFCC: My Life as a King

    I was wondering if there happened to be anyone else who has played this game. I personally found it enjoyable with all the features it has and what more they plan to be coming out with later on in the future for add-ons on the game. I finished this game in about three days time.. game play...
  11. CYuna

    Insert dramtic entrance here

    Welcome to the forums.. have fun and never liked working at blockbuster myself either. It can get rather boring there, not to mention that there is really no where to sit or if the restroom is out of service.. you're out of luck. =/
  12. CYuna

    Yuna and Shuin Request

    - Type: Matching Sig and Ava - Stock/Pictures: You can use all or some of the following:
  13. CYuna


    Thank you all for the welcomes.. I appreciate them. ^_^ Thank you for understanding, Mitsuki... right now I feel really tired from all the running around I had to do yesterday and then all the calling to reconfirm the dates and times before printing out my invitations of all the places that...
  14. CYuna


    Hello.. it's been awhile since I've been on a FF forum.. lol.. so put two and two together and that's how I came across here.. lol. Hello everyone, my name is Letty,.. 29 yrs old.. mother of two girls and soon to be married on July 19th to Scott or as some people know him as either Squall or...