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  1. Socrates

    The Dreaded Toilet Seat! :D

    Lmfao brotha I didn't actually think you'd make a thread about this XD. Lol Helix what you say is true, but will get you in trouble :wacky:. Lets see what Solomon has to say about this. "I shall now cut the toilet in half and give you both half", nah Im kidding he'd probably find a way to...
  2. Socrates

    U.S Income Tax

    Me and my bro Kuja were talking a while ago about Universal Healthcare, and it led to a discussion about our current income tax system, what do you guys think, too many loopholes, or working just fine? ~ Socrates the Great
  3. Socrates


    Haha I remember that!! Don't forget that time when that cosmetics lady called ;)! The conversation went like this: Me: Hello Caller: Hello Miss, are you tired of <insert long 5 minute boring statement> Me: Im a guy... Caller: Oh thats ok, "some" guys also use this special cream Me: Im not...
  4. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    I'll listen to Sayuri and wait until tommorow to give you a response. But Decado, I never admitted gun control was a good idea, and your still ignoring many things. And you still haven't proven anything This is far from over. ~ Socrates the Great
  5. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    You got me! /sarcasm, no I fixed a few grammatical errors. Notice my edited post for my second post was more than my first ;). I never said your sources were incorrect. I simply pointed out a few minor problems with them. Im on to you ;), nobody is going to dispute that they're gun...
  6. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    Amazing, I said "I apologise/apologize if this isn't what you meant" for a reason. Heres what I said, did I mention anything about less gun crime? No I did not. Please read before you jump the gun. Wow did I read that correctly, an Anti-Gun Organization did this study? Not to...
  7. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    I thought you were done posting here =P. Don't take what im about to say as an attack, but instead as constructive criticism ;). Again you don't live in the U.S, you cannot simply assume stricter gun control would work, because it does in your place, note what I said about Universal...
  8. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    It does WHERE YOU LIVE, but it wouldn't not here. What you say is true, but your ignoring alot of other factors. You debated well, and I admire you for that ~ Socrates the Great
  9. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    I never said your what-if was flawed. I merealy pointed out it was a what-if. Stop avoiding the issue i've presented please. ~ Socrates the Great
  10. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    Your argument is speculation, and is purely "what-if". I wasn't talking about weapons being legally produced in the U.S, I was talking about illegal weapons being smuggled into the U.S. You didn't answer that, and instead proved an invalid point. ~ Socrates the Great
  11. Socrates

    War, justified or not?

    I saw Decado, and Piedmon disputing whether war is neccesarry or not, and I want to know what you guys think. Debate whether or not wars are neccesarry, and whether theres a such thing as a "just war". ~ Socrates the Great
  12. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    What I'm about to say say requires no evidence, thanks for answering my question. The U.K has fewer illegal firearm crime because its an island, as such sneaking guns in, is much harder, the U.S is a landmass, and smuggling guns in won't cease simply by making guns harder to get, in theory your...
  13. Socrates

    Gun Rights

    Taking guns away wouldn't make it difficult at all for criminals to get guns, I think you have good intentions, but it just doesn't work that way. You see, if Criminals would be affected by gun control, then I'd be all for it, the problem is they will remain almost unaffected. Think about it...
  14. Socrates

    Gun Rights

  15. Socrates

    How Many Languages Do You Speak?

    Im puerto rican. I speak English and Spanish fluently. Growing up, I was somewhat ashamed that I was hispanic because people made fun of me for it. But then I matured and realized I was stupid for thinking that way. I started speaking spanish with my father, and eventually learned, in High...
  16. Socrates

    Gun Rights

  17. Socrates


    The person who took the Nessie picture has admitted it was a fake I think. Dragons are wonderful, they play leading roles in many movies and games. Now the issue I have with Dragons is how they all look different from European-South American Standards,. Asian Dragon - Four Small legs, No...
  18. Socrates

    Hardest Ultimate Weapon to Obtain?

    8 Years ago it was Steiners Excalibur II, and today it still is! ~ Socrates the Great
  19. Socrates

    Universal Health Care

    Agreed, it wouldn't work here since the rich dont pay taxes. ~ Socrates the Great
  20. Socrates

    Was I wrong?(all opinions welcome, even yours Decado :P)

    That girl is a wench whoever she was. You did nothing wrong, that girl obviously has issues, that only she alone can address. Miami has a heavy Cuban population, it wasn't naive of him at all. I'm not hispanic, but I studied spanish all the way up to College, and speak it fluently, I've...