[07/12] Square Enix To Reveal Secret Title Soon

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England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
Square Enix has started a countdown on its official site teasing that a top-secret title is set to be revealed to the world on the 12th of December. There’s currently no hints regarding what the top-secret game could be, or for which platforms it’s being developed for. What would you like to see announced?

get it... 12/12/12.... at 12:12 in japan maybe :P


Site Link: http://liftoff.square-enix.co.jp/

i'm calling star ocean as well, if sooo then i'm defo down with it... I love star ocean

Source: http://mynintendonews.com/2012/12/0...e-soon/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Final Fantasy Versus II :mokken:

in all serious, I hope its a new star ocean game, I miss Star Ocean
It's probably for Star Galaxy: http://www.siliconera.com/2012/12/06/new-square-enix-teaser-site-is-probably-for-star-galaxy/

Whether or not that has anything to do with Star Ocean is anyone's guess, but since tri-Ace typically have a hand in SO games, at least that means it'll be partway decent; after all, Square Enix have proven recently that they are utterly incapable of making anything by themselves. After all this ATB nonsense, and the Tales' series sudden decline into mediocrity, I'd welcome another JRPG with a proper real-time battle system, there are far too few of them about these days...
star ocean? oh gosh, i haven't seen or played a star ocean game in ages. i can't even remember specifics about the game other then the game itself :lew: hmm... maybe if it is a new star ocean game it will be good. :hmmm:

I would LIKE to think that it is Tri-Ace working on another console Star Ocean title. Despite the fact that Star Ocean 4 became a dull lull and I absolutely hated most of its characters to the extent that I just felt embarrassed to even continue playing - as well as pity those who really like the game - I still mightily respect Tri-Ace for their Valkyrie Profile games. It would be a massive shame for this developer to be cut down in size and made to work for Square-Enix's FFXIII sequels like some poor serf brutally forced to swear fealty to Saint Wada and his disciples.

Unfortunately, if this is that "Star Galaxy" thing - why does it need a new IP name if it is a Star Ocean game? "Star Galaxy" sounds tacky, like it's going to be some GREE or Mobage game. And looking back at SE's last trademarks and teasers (thanks to NeoGAF for the list):

August 20 - iOS port of TWEWY + Arrange Album
May 18 - DvsD for browsers(?)
May 1 - Otome title for iOS/Android
March 23 - Crystal Conquest for browsers

October 15 - Army Corps of Hell for Vita

July 22 - Digital Manga Reader and Decals
May 19 - Yahoo browser game

June 26 - 4 Warriors of Light for NDS

November 11 - Blood of Bahamut for NDS
July 8 - Chrono Trigger for NDS

Some have been alright, the rest not even worth the time. It's up to you if you want to bother getting anywhere near excited for this.
I agree if its a teaser than its probably just build up for nothing. What was D&D again?
Seems interesting. If it's for a star ocean game I'll be even more interested. I haven't played one yet, but they Look pretty cool.
Hopefully it's a new Star Ocean game for the PS3 and X-Box 360, though it won't be. It's going to be some lame cellphone game.
I honestly wouldnt even mind if it was a next gen game announcement. Even though it would be a long time for release, at least it wouldnt be a iOS or browser game
TBH, we need a next gen annoncment, watching the VGA's last night gave me not one single new game...... soooo this being a next gen game would be nice :)

Pretty much this.

It's been awhile since I've felt any sort of excitement when they are releasing a new game title :wacky:

I'm going to go with... the announcement of "a mobile, portable, or mindless recyled sequel" that no one wants for 50.

I win :yay:
maybe verses was renamed...

I hope its a star ocean- just awesome gameplay & battles.
Stop with the countdowns already! It works when used sparingly - for VERY BIG reveals of major franchises. Not for what SE usually does with them.
Yeah but Im pretty sure the creator said they were done with the series. And then his weird statements on The Last Hope. First it was a prequel, then he came out and said it was a alternate reality with some references with the other games. So the whole series is kinda weird now. Ever since the horrible ending of 3.
TBH, we need a next gen annoncment, watching the VGA's last night gave me not one single new game...... soooo this being a next gen game would be nice :)

Don't hold your breath. If Sony and Microsoft are not willing to announce their next gen machines yet, why should publishers announce anything next gen?

Update of the list of words:




http://operationrainfall.com/square-enix-countdown-teases-star-ocean-or-new-ip/ - Source
I can't fucking WAIT FOR XIII MOBILE!



View attachment 2604

as much as everyone likes to bash XIII unnecessarily, i'm just going to say it....there wont be any more XIII games after LR. sure maybe some XIII spin offs like Versus and type-0 or a completely new one. but its confirmed, so far the "lightning saga" is coming to a close.
as much as everyone likes to bash XIII unnecessarily, i'm just going to say it....there wont be any more XIII games after LR. sure maybe some XIII spin offs like Versus and type-0 or a completely new one. but its confirmed, so far the "lightning saga" is coming to a close.

All bashing is unnecessary. We do it because we want to express our opinions.

Anyway, I was being sarcastic. ._.

We all know there isn't going to be any more XIII games, as of right now.
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