10,000 posts


Jun 6, 2006
Yay! Finally I had like to congratulate Final Fantasy Forums for our first 10,000 of posts. Over 10K posts within just three months? Wow well that's amazing. Keep it coming guys. And thank you to all the people in here especially the active ones for contributing their help, support, and activity to improve this great forums and turn it into an online community. Thank you once again and I hope you all are really having a good time in here. :D

Oh also more features and additions will be added shortly such as the gallery so stay tuned...
Really? Already?

This is excellent to know that FFF is truly growing.

I hope everyone keeps active and we get more members that will also be active.
*Gives self a pat on the back*

FFF deserves praise. These are extremely good forums. I enjoy myself on these forums more that any other.

Looking forward to the new header for the site, DB. Post a preview for everyone and see what the think.
Amen to that! Though keeping the members real active ain't that much easy as you might think but I got a way to do it and of course, it is my way usually. :P And yes really, I mean take a look at the advanced statistics which can be located right here. We are gaining like over 20 members, 500 posts, and 30 threads which is pretty good for a new forum like FFF.

Shhh. The new header was supposed to be a huge surprize for everyone but now you have ruined it. Hehehe. Anyway I'm not completely done with it yet, still got a few stuff to do here and there. I might ask Monstergamer, our fellow member, to install the new header for us since err you know, I'm a n00b when it comes to skinning and/or designing. :lol:
I have some experience in the field. By the way, I noticed you're using the crappy version of the Final Fantasy font in the current header. I have a much better version if you'd like it.
I don't think the majority of posts have been that great - many are new topics done by people who have become inactive, many posts contained spam, and there were complaint threads.
Darkblade said:
Shhh. The new header was supposed to be a huge surprize for everyone but now you have ruined it. Hehehe. Anyway I'm not completely done with it yet, still got a few stuff to do here and there. I might ask Monstergamer, our fellow member, to install the new header for us since err you know, I'm a n00b when it comes to skinning and/or designing. :lol:

Ehh, sorry >_< So I'm special, getting to know things first? Aww, I feel so loved ;)

Seriously though, if I'd known it was to be kept quiet, I'd keep it quiet. I haven't told anyone of ... well, our little secret ;)
Judge Ghis said:
I don't think the majority of posts have been that great - many are new topics done by people who have become inactive, many posts contained spam, and there were complaint threads.

I have to say that I agree with this. I've been in a lot of forums that have the same topics repeated twice, three and sometimes even for times, under slightly different names. Like JG also pointed out, there's been a lot of spam and such, which I know it's not my place to say but needs cracking down on, I've seen loads of it around. Aside this though, 10,000 is good =)
No Negativity! 10,000 is something to be proud of. Smile, send off some firecrackers, burn down the White House, celebrate! *Breaks out the booze* YAY FOR 10,000 POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely missing the issue here. I'll be happy when we delete all the spam, crap threads, and earn 10000 actual posts.
By randomly asking that, you have incurred another spam :P

JG, no matter which forum you go on, there will always be a number of spammers. It's just something that has to be dealt with accordingly. However, the vast majority of the forum posts is productive, so that is something to be proud of.
Well spoken there, TSG. I think you said it so there is no need for me to explain it again. :lol: