10,000 posts

I tried a forum party and they called me a spammer.....*Hides in corner wearing hat saying "congrats on 10,000 posts"*
It depends really and what kind of a forum party are we going to have? Oh and are there gonna be any beers? If so, count me in for sure! :giggle:
Maybe a 10000 post party where we can do and talk about what we want.And maybe special members only;)
Oh and there probably is going to be beer there,wonder what though carlsberg or fosters hmmm oh and don't foget about cake and chicken
oh can i have some?
anyway maybe the party has no rules like spam all you want or something.
That would be fun and special members only maybe like i said before:devil2:
well i suppose but am i the person to make the club?
cause im not sure im allowed?:confused:
Hey, as a special forum treat, why not give all members 20,000 gil? :lol:

Also, for DB's pleasure, let's all meet somewhere and bring beer :D My house good for you all?

Hey, seriously, why not put in the news area that there will be a giant meeting? We can all meet on the chat and just ... randomly randomise the day away!

But first. DB, you need ti give me a crash course on that damn IRC ... :wacko: :P
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Sorry, can't meet at your house TSG. Can't get to scotland.

And not a chatroom, cause the Java chatroom kinda sux.
Plain? Anyway, a party sounds great. I'll bring the booze. Should there be cheap hookers or high class strippers? JK.
Ok I have an idea. Either open a thread for us to celebrate on, or get the old chatroom and start a chatroom for the top 10 or 15 posters.
Why discriminate against the other few hundred members? They're not all n00b's, some of the brand new members are excellent people and contribute to the forum productively.