100% Ending

I think i only got 65% or something stupid. It's because I don't think I got any special dresspheres (what are they?) and I couldn't beat Trema (or Paragon, whichever the old man is) in the Via Infinito.
it's not neccesary to complete the via infinito to get the 100% , or it is ?
I tried to do it. The Thunder Plains are a bitch to deal with. You need superhuman reflexes to complete all of the towers. Well--the last few anyway.
I tried real hard to get a 100% completion but I ended up getting a 99%. I even had a stradegy guide. It was a true pain, so I was content with the good ending. I got a 92% my first game. I didn't do the chocobo quest quite right.

I tried to do it. The Thunder Plains are a bitch to deal with. You need superhuman reflexes to complete all of the towers. Well--the last few anyway.
Amen brother.
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got to 99%. chocobos never turn up in battles which means i can raise them and then let them go and let them find that secret passage and get that repair maunal to finish djoose episode complete. oh and sphere break is a bitch too
Anyone Get 100%?

Did anyone get 100%?

Just Curious...:sneaky:

For me nop. I'm working on it though just can't be botherd playing X-2 atm :shame:.
i haven't played FFX-2 in around a year, so no i haven't got 100%, i don't really like it so after completing it (and killing Vegnagun fairly easily) i just stopped playing, didn't bother to try for 100% mainly because i saw my friend tryin to beat that old guy in the bevelle underground thing
Typ in on youtube FFX-2 100% ending and have a look and u will be suprised in what you see.
Also on da last clip arnt u ment to keep pressing x till da clip ends to get da last % i remember ma friend told me.
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Is it ok to have some completion % missing going through the game? because some of the things you cant completely complete till the end of a certain chapter like gaining rep for open air or getting owakas 100k debt paid by chapter 3. Im sure ive done everything possable so far but im a little more than 1% completion below what my guide says I should have so far. Might be that my guides faulty.
Um, if you have a guide and the guide says you're supposed to be at a certain % by the end of each chapter, then I guess it has to be the exact number, otherwise it means you're probably missing some %'s, no matter how small. But then again, it could be that your guide IS fault. I was using that BradyGames guide and I swear I followed EVERY single thing that book said, and I still missed .1%!
I got 100% after my second palythrough but I didn't even do everything, unless you don't have to do those cloister efforst and defeat that thingy in the Bikanel desert on those digs. It should either include everything or not bother with it at all, I mean what's the point if you don't actually DO everything...:gasp:

I didn't even get the Mascot Dress Sphere either *shrugs* It's stupid IMO, especially as you have to like open every single chest in every chapter and talk to every bugger to add to the percentage -_-
my guide adds wrong, it goes from

Bikanel Desert +0.8% completion, Total:18.2%
Calm Lands +0.2% completion, Total: 19%

im sure theres more too.

also when you talk to that old guy down near youths HQ, im not sure if hitting the X button to make him continue on with his long ass speech will still give you completion points or not but i played it safe and didnt hit anything and it gave a small bit of commentary at the end. I think that might be where some people screwd up.
Ugh God yeah, you have to listen to all Meachen's(sp?) ramblings, although Im not sure if that affects getting the good ending, the percentage or both...I know it's something, I just let him waffle on and encourage him to keep going when prompted. SE were being pretty evil when they thought that part up.....I didn't mind listening in X but bugger me he don't half go on with him self, it should at least 20% he waffles on that much
What really annoyed me was when you had to view a bunch of those sphere thingamobob in order to gain .2% - .10% or whatever. It's so dumb! I had to wait so long just to have a shoopuf or some monsters appear...and I think you had to do it in order? I don't remember, but it was a pain in the ass.
WTF!? This 100% thing is ridiculous!

I've played through this game twice before, but quit both times, unsatisfied I won't see a good ending. I just started it up, perfectly following a walkthrough on the internet. I then see a guide saying how to get 100%, and I look at something on Mushroom Rock Road. I do everything fucking perfect, but I won't get 100% because I did it out of order! I declined Yaibal's request, talked to Clasko, then accepted. So therefore, I am not going to get 100%! This system for getting completion is retarded.

Anyone else having or had similar problems?
RE: WTF!? This 100% thing is ridiculous!

even after you get 100% you have to do a set of things to see an ending. Its completely crazy. Whistle three times talk to old geezer. there's a bunch of requirments and having 100% is not all there is.

I think you just have to do a new game plus to fix your problem.
Based on the statistics, it's actually possible to obtain 110% (though this figure does not appear): what I mean is that you can miss out 10% of the game and still obtain 100%. I'd contest this myself, however, as I've always struggled to get the 100%.

I'd personally recommend watching it on Youtube: it's an extra minute-long cutscene that's not really worth the effort.
I started going for 100% a couple days ago off of a new game plus file and i'm at 94% now. Personally, I can forget about getting over 500 in the gunner's gauntlet...although I have the feeling I may have done it on the previous game (it's been two years since I've played)....and I didn't get Rin as the culprit for the Mi'hen highroad mystery...but my walkthrough didn't tell me if that matters (I finally gave in and got a walkthrough...) so I was already looking kind of iffy...and then the walkthrough mentioned that you have to beat the via infinito for some points...and I was just like 'fuck Spira, this is crap. I'm leaving'. So I'm seeing a little less than 100% for me. I still have a lot of episode completes left to do though...ones I've never bothered with so we'll see (am nervous about that giant boss in the bikanel dessert....the walkthrough makes it sound crazy scary...although it's been wrong every other time it says something is strong) epsecially is that extra 10% thing is true, I really hope it is. I could still end up with 100%!

I know what you mean though...it's even hard with the walkthrough cause they brush over stuff with that...all of a sudden in chapter 5 it was like 'if you've talked to this guy every chapter...' and I was just like 'uh...no' and I missed an awesome item. I'm not sure it's entirely accurate either because it told me that when you give the sphere to the youth league you can't gain an 'episode complete' in Bevelle...which I did and yet the episode complete that is supposedly supposed to automatically start in the calm lands...I can't get to happen for the life of me. *sigh* I should have just started a new game instead of going off a new game plus...I have no clue if I've done some of the stuff or not....