3.6 to 3.8 Bugs

No it doesn't, but we'd be fucked either way when people sometimes take screenshots of stuff. And if it doesn't resize it slows down the comp and lags the page entirely.
Oh please.

The old settings resized the huge images such as screenshots, but not signatures that were a little over 500x200. This one resizes signatures even when they wouldn't make the page stretch so that you had to pull the bar at the bottom across.

I've seen more people stretch the page with lines of text than with signatures. No one ever makes a signature that huge.

You're only going to have lag issues with a few signatures popping up if you're running Windows 95 on a calculator.
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What Mark II said -- the newest replies box is all jumbly. Also, I can't seem to minimize the shoutbox? :wacky: Has that function been removed or has that option been put somewhere else on the forum?
AS PER FUCKING USUAL, Kelly has a problem. :wacky:

She's getting the message telling her to use the command prompt window if she still has issues --which she does-- but has no idea how to bring up this window (and neither do I) so I've to rage on her behalf.

Only fucking person on the site who can't log in. :wacky:
Is she using Windows 7? If yes, click on the Windows symbol/Start button in the bottom left corner, then just start typing "command prompt" into the search bar at the bottom of that little screen. I usually get to "com" by the time the Command Prompt program option pops up at the top. Click on the program, and the C:\ prompt window should come right up.

If she's using XP, I think she can basically get there the same way. But I haven't used that in a while, so memory's iffy there.
Didn't work as in didn't bring up the C:\ prompt, or just didn't get her away from the ipconfig dnsflush whatever thing it was?
I tried to find an answer to this but couldn't seem to find one.

When I went to the Top 5 Stats section and changed it to view the Top Rep, it came up with really huge numbers for each member.

When you go into a thread and see the rep figure besides their names it is significantly lower than what it is saying that their rep is in the Top 5 Stats section at the top of the page.

Is there a reason for this? Or rather has this already been answered? Sorry if it has. >.<
If you go into the userCP above the comments it'll say the number of points you have in total so mine's "3864737 point(s) total" etcetc. The rep you see on the side of posts is the power you have to give or something along those lines.
What's going on here? It seems a bit.. more crowded than usual. For some reason Triple Triad appears under sub forum pages but not on the main page.

I don't think this was said but my TT Gil yesterday was showing that I had about Gil 100 and now when I go into the Triple Triad the Gil is appearing as Gil -1.42108547152E-14 for some reason

EDIT: And after this post my total TT Gil is Gil 2
I believe the staff have reset how the Gill works for the vB shop, so that we're not gaining gil will nilly, but there's actually a mathematic solution to how much you gain, gauged by where, how much and frequency of posting.
Well I still have java issues with the mood feature. It could either be something my computer is blocking because it thinks its a risk or having the most recent version of java is causing me problems.
Ok, thanks. I did do a scan. Seemed fine. No Java thats good to know.
You have three columns of "Newest" or "Top" things. Put Newest Replies in the right-hand column, like it was on 3.6. That's where I have it, and it's not all screwed up like that.
I keep having this Glitch happen where when I post in the SB it the shout never appears.The SB EATS my shout per se. I can type it and click shout/enter but It never appears having me to rewrite the scentence again. Do you know whats causing this?