3.6 to 3.8 Bugs

Not sure if it's a bug or what but I was having a mooch... Shoutbox Achievements, no one seems to have any and there's definitely people who have shouted "x" amount. :edd:
Not sure if it's a bug or what but I was having a mooch... Shoutbox Achievements, no one seems to have any and there's definitely people who have shouted "x" amount. :edd:

That's disabled.

And Dave, I really don't know what else to say at this point other than...have her keep trying everyday. It should've worked for her days ago though. It'll work for her eventually...it's just taking its sweet little time with her.
Bowly is having the exact same issue as me, is there any other suggestions for this, he's tried everything I did and still no luck
he's tried everything I did and still no luck

...Well that's the problem there. :wacky:

I kid, I kid!

Hmm, I really don't know. :hmmm: It'll work itself out eventually...though it amazes me that it's taken this long...
We made it work, it seems signing in on another computer fixes it
I see a lot of one-liners in this thread,,is that allowed?

anyways I was working to get the 250 shouts achievements all day long,.I really worked hard on it ,even participating intelligent conversation and yet I got sucker punched!

The achievements doesnt seem to work :cry2:

I could cry..
I'm pretty certain that the shouts achievements are just disabled at the moment.
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i could go round the houses to get to my point, but saying we fixed it kinda was straight to the point.

anyway, he has another issue:

*Also, I have an additional issue with the site now. :wacky
Kelly says:
*whats happened now? xd
Corporal says:
*It logged me out
*Now it's refusing to accept my login
Kelly says:
*it keeps doing that to me as well
*however, its not refusing my log in RAEG
Corporal says:
*And won't send me a password reset.
*Why me... xD
I only got a trophy for having a lot of shouts a week ago or so. So I was supposed to get those achievements as well. But I am not complaining. It will come eventually..
Poor Virg. It hates me. He wasn't active enough. :wacky:

Actually that's a thought, the two of you weren't terribly active to begin with... there some sort of common thing there... I smell sitcom!
I was alright once I logged on at work, then tried again at home, he was fine then it logged him out, wouldnt let him log back in - so he tried to do a password reset which it wouldnt allow. I guess this is just summat an admin can do?
Right. THis is beginning to take the piss now. Both the Bowl and I are having the same problem:

First, I get this, while Im already online - the site logged me out. And yes I am set to remember me.

Then, I get this. AGAIN


Then it appeared it was the username it was registering as wrong, because it randomly did this


even though that isn't my bloody username anymore.

Does anyone know WHY it's doing this? There's clearly an underlying issue somewhere that's not just my pc, because Bowlys issue is identical to mine. It can't just be as simple as 'waiting for it to pass' there's gotta be a problem somewhere, and it can't just be me and the Bowl, it's gotta be affecting other folk we dont know about

I had to clear my internet history and do that stupid ipconfig/flushdns bollocks again to get back online. Which admitedly is more than last time, at least it actually worked this time. But how often is this likely to happen, and is it likely to be a permanent thing, becuase its irrirating the shite out of me

Can't really say if it's a bug or not, but I keep getting this:


Plus a horrendous amount of lag.