500 Improvements This Game Needed

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
I love Final Fantasy XII but there was a lot of things I would have loved to see in this game. There were a lot of things it was missing.

1. Cactuars
2. Tonberries
3. Deletion of "Please Select New Party Leader."
4. Rozarria
5. Better Traveling (The Airship Blew)
6. Break HP/MP Limit
7. Break Hit Limit
8. Power Sources
9. A Bag for Ashe's head

start with #10
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They did have Cactuars, lots of 'em. They just sucked.


10. A more unique Licence Grid for each character
11. More familiar Summons and/or Bosses from other games that are summons. We have Chaos and Zeromus, what bout Griever, Necron....Jecht....
12. Better things with Chocobo's
13. Option to have illegal street/cage fights with Bangaa's
LOL a bag...

15. A cool lead character that has a real reason or purpose for fighting.
16. The rest of Frans clothes (JK)
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17. Sephiroth was not in this game

Hey Moonchild I posted before than you, why did you put the number 10 eh?

nevermind you're banned
17. Sephiroth was not in this game

Hey Moonchild I posted before than you, why did you put the number 10 eh?

nevermind you're banned
'cos you managed to post your before mine but I couldn't be arsed to edit it innit, so quit yer bitchin :P

18. Biggs and Wedge
19. A soundtrack composed by Dream Theater
i really liked the story, but they could have put just a little bit more effort into it.
Zurr Thutt, we're here to want to play with a battle system made for FF, not for KH. If we wanted a KH battle engine, we go play a KH game.

20. They needn't have killed off so many of my favourite characters. Kill less characters plz.
22. A wider variety of magic.
23. Blue magic.

It only had SOME original spells.
The rest sucked.
28. A love story.
29. The ability to walk on the overworld map
30. Gold Chocobo's that lead to a secret ability!
31. Technicks that were actually useful! (Except Telekinesis and Expose)
37 - The ability to cast multiple high spells at once (I hate waiting to cast Arise if the boss is casting some large spell and both don't happen at once because the processor can't handle it)
38. A boat! Was there ever a means of travel by water in this game? I definitely don't remember one...
we're here to want to play with a battle system made for FF, not for KH. If we wanted a KH battle engine, we go play a KH game

My apologies, I think I may have Posted the wrong words to get my point across >_< what I mean is with KH there's no waiting for the attack, you just attack so I would have enjoyed the Battle System for FFXII more if there was no waiting for the bar thing to fill up before you attack.

39. No License Board - why is it needed?