7 Things I hate about HER!

Until now I just thought it was a just kiddies show. You're telling me its real.
Freaking weird girl that is.. Miley or Hannah or whatever she's called. Make up your mind or something.
Well I don't hate her, but it kind of annoys me how she's EVERYWHERE.

Seriously D:

Here it's not so bad, but when I was over in the US.
oh my god -.-

She was in EVERY shop in EVERY form of merchandise. Bed sheets, dolls, towels (how creepy >.>), they even had LIFEJACKETS. Why would you need a Hannah Montana LIFEJACKET :/

I don't find her to be an amazing singer/actress either. Just because her dad is famous :_:
i agree she is so anmnoying my sister has so much hannah montana crap i think i am going to die i hope you all relize the only reason she is famous is becuase of her dad
i hope you all relize the only reason she is famous is becuase of her dad

Her dad wasn't all that famous to begin with. He was one of those "one hit wonders" who apparently only sung one good song that made him famous.

In fact, once his thirty seconds of fame went away, Miley was the one that made him famous.

She's apparently going to leave her show, though. And once she does, she'll fall, fast. Notice how most of these young women who get into car wrecks all the time started out in Disney? Before you know it Miley will end up the same way; smoking weed, drinking while driving, and humping everything she sees, including stuffed animals.

Oh, and Nariko, her real name is actually Destiny Hope. At least that's what I've heard, you never know these days...
No wonder she changed her name..

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Kind of funny how big she is over in the U.S as I had never even heard of her until I saw one of her video clips the other day.

By the sounds of it, I guess I'm lucky to live in Australia, free from evils such as Miley Cyrus :P
Gotta agree on the everywhere part, but I had no idea about all the other stuff people have put forward.
I only heard of her 'cause, get this, my grandfather told me about her. Crap! It's spreading to older people too.
I agree with all which has been said against her. She's fake, can't sing (and we all know she doesn't write her own music). Yeah, she's cute but doesn't mean she shouldn't get hit by a car.
I can't stand Miley Cyrus one bit, she's just another wannabe pop star trying to be a rock star that can't sing or act. I deleted the Disney channel off my television just because of her show being on there all the time which is very annoying.
I thought her spat with Radiohead was hilarious, complete with Thom Yorke telling her that maybe when she grows up she won't have such a sense of entitlement. Great stuff.
Thom Yorke wasn't going on about the environment was he? God I hate him, he told his son that all Polar Bears would be dead in 5 years because his son said that Polar Bears were his favourite animal.
Anyway I don't like her music at all, or her fathers'. I think at the moment she's trying to lose her disney image because she's realised that the virginal disney style won't take her very far. She's just trying to live her own life, even if MSN Today keeps going on about what she has done lately, it's not a huge source of irritation for me.
The girl, she tries to hard i think. She tries to hard to live under her fathers footsteps and it's not working for me. Personally i think she can't sing to save her life. I never like Disney stars.. they always seem to try wanting to be something more ya know? They never just stay they use that as a starting point which, i guess is smart. But Hannah fucking Montana is pretty popular and i think as she's getting older she wants to move on to big and better things but its hard when she makes so much cash from that.
Come on though the girls got it. She's been offered to be on a condom like her face think about it >.> If she wasn't famous for Disney do you think they'd offer her that? If she wasn't a star for Disney do you think she'd accept the offer? Possibly.
I think she's overrated. She's fucking everywhere. TV, backpacks, clothing and its rather annoying seeing her face 24/7.
miley cyrus

i hate her she is so annoying because her songs are just so cheesy and i dont no why anyone likes her in a few years she will just fade out of the pubblic eye and something new will come along and take it over so im just waiting for her to just drop out coz i think she has no talent :
well thats my opionion and not everyone has the same opionions lol
I dislike her too. My reasons are pretty simple, I just feel like she's fake, and such a poser. I don't know her personally, she might be a real cool chick to be around with. But... All the fronting about who she is and what not, I know that's what all the glamour and fame is about but, god... -__- I dunno, too much of a prep, and typical Failure where small girls look up to. Way to go Failywood.

I realize that failed to.
Not even a little. She's spoiled, conceited, and is just a snotty brat. It's easy to tell from interviews.
But it gets better.
This poor girl doesn't have talent. Just yesterday, I learned she can't actually sing. Because she's such a huge star, I assumed she had something there, but I was wrong.

I didn't mind her at first, but.. fuck she has no talent. I'm not saying that to be rude either. This bitch sucks even for a Disney star. Do you know how hard it is to get that big? So many people (talented people that is) work hard for spots like that and Disney decided to give it all to this stupid chick. She's only big because of what that poor show of hers is about. Kids dream that shit. It was a brilliant moneymaking idea, but at least give the part to someone who can act.
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I don't like her. She's not talented at all, in my opinion. The only reason why she's famous is because of her father. To me, she's a fake. I think she's just a whore seeking for attention. I mean, did you see her photos? Oh god.
I personally do not like Miley Cyrus or her alter ego. In my opinion the only reason she is famous or got the role as 'Hannah Montana' is because she is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus. A friend of mine though, that loves her, says that that is not true and that she auditioned for it. Really I don't care, either way she is a spoiled little brat who can't act.

The way she talks sometimes gets on my nerves, the faces she makes gets on my nerves, everything she does that she thinks is 'Cute' gets on my nerves. I agree with everyone else, she is EVERYWHERE. I can't even walk into Walmart or something without seeing a Hannah Montana product, and it doesn't help that my Niece loves her.

AND I have two close friends that like her. Seriously once something or someone better comes along, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana will just be old news.
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I don't like her. She's not talented at all, in my opinion. The only reason why she's famous is because of her father. To me, she's a fake. I think she's just a whore seeking for attention. I mean, did you see her photos? Oh god.

Other way around. She's the one who made her father famous. Billy Ray was but a mere One Hit Wonder with that one single, 'Achey Breaky Heart'.

As for her being a whore? This one I couldn't agree more with. I guarantee she'll have a dirty music video by 18. Something even Christina Aguilera can't beat, I'm sure.
Well its funny that the fact after her all the retarded stars came out


i mean before her was alright, Shia Lebeof, Raven Simone (she was alright), Hilary Duff (she is ok)

Well here are my reasons:
She takes handicap parking and blames it on her heart condition
(if you can hop around on stage i think you can handle walking around the corner)
She is overrated
She is a skank
If she wears a low cut shirt everyone freaks out