72-YEAR-OLD woman loves her...Grandson?

i dont think the argument was regarding honour just that soldiers are allowed to have families and theres a high risk of them dying in the not so distant future. its the same with this situation.

you obviously ignore other posts for fun. this genetic mutation thing...theyre not going to have a baby that resembles something from the hills have eyes because the woman is 72, the likelihood of her having any eggs is very slim therefore youre arguing that the government should intervene simply because the adoptive mother to be is old?

Nah, l read the stuff people post,

Not related huh.....l missed that bit.

just that your post came up before mine and l went back to the welcome page and i ust happened to ask and state questions you had just posted about.....so wrong place, wrong time.

The term genetic mutation may be to strong but l think its right though?
Green eyes from the hills sure that would be great.....sadly its more like impared learning abilities or restricted movement.

And why should someone not intervene, its rare case but there must be legislation somewhere, just because your older dont mean you cant try to have babies sure, my point is its bizarre and will offend churches and family groups and someone may demand action

Ignore post for fun, good one jim! lol
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72 year old + female = no eggs + no genetic mutation due to incest

i couldnt really make it simpler than that.

Not my best work on this one!

Them not being related really shot the crap outta my point
good as it might have been, it just didnt apply to these circumstance.
I feel l was still right in what I said.

And I went through this whole thread with foot in my mouth lol.

My apologies.
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I gotta say this is a surprise you guys are all being so liberal about this situation, with "If they're Happy" and the "It dont bother me" lines.
I think to some extent that BECAUSE we're all reading about this online we're not only able to distance ourselves from it physically, but the second we leave the computer, we're distanced from it mentally.

It's allowing for a perspective that's either jaded or hyper-objective and I think if we were all reading about this in newspaper in the town where it's happening, we might be reacting differently.

72 year old + female = no eggs + no genetic mutation due to incest

i couldnt really make it simpler than that.


umm do your homework women have so many eggs that they will never run out before the menepause. Each ovary contains 200,000 eggs.

So its quite a good possibility that this child will have problems.

alice said:
Relatively little or no follicles remain at menopause, which usually begins when a woman is between 48-55 years of age. The remaining follicles are unlikely to mature and become viable eggs because of the hormonal changes that come along with menopause.

at the age of 72 its very unlikely that she hasnt already gone through the menopause, some old bags of around pearl's age have gotten up the duff but they've been in india and generally everywhere but america.

umm do your homework

thank you and good night :)
I have to disagree. I think that Genetic Sexual Attraction is a load of bull and it's just sick people using it as an excuse to do the wrong thing.

It's none of my business but I still think it's disgusting and that both the grandson and grandmother are very selfish.

That child is going to get picked on when he/she goes to school and the grandmother won't be around for very long to even see her child grow up.

It's not fair on their child.

Seriously, out of all the people in the world they had to get with each other? It's just ridiculous in my opinion.

Might just move this over to the debate section.

[Moved to the Sleeping Forest]
I agree. I don't think genetic attraction exists either >.< And it will be very harsh for the child, and it's incredibly selfish of the both of them.
Thats not the same thing.

The only parallel there is death.

Soldiers sacrifice themselves for selfless motivation and a deep seeded belief in there convictions that they are willing to give there lives for there county/ conviction, this is no where near the same as some freaks having an incestuous relationship.

Thats a bad analogy.

You just don't understand my logic.

Soliders and war are different then a murderer running the street freely getting away with mutilating people. I don't consider a soilder i nthe heat of battle a murder, I consider him a defender. He doesn't kill cause he wants to, he kills because he has to, for his life and others. Yeah sure he still took a life but the reasoning behind it is alot different.

And i don't even understand half of what i said, so if you don't get it either, i reccomend not asking me, just kinda started rambling.
Well, that was bizzare, of course, but it's something neither of them can help. I applaud them for being so brave and having the ability to ignore the judgemental society. I always say that love, no matter what, can fight through age, gender, race, religion, backround and whatnot, so I'm not going to judge the couple on THOSE matters. The only thing that is totally wrong here is the fact that they are related by blood... I just don't get that. Since I believe in reincarnation, it could be that her grandson is her husband's reincarnation or something... But family? I don't get how you could be in love with your family...
And i don't even understand half of what i said, so if you don't get it either, i reccomend not asking me, just kinda started rambling

Mighty mouse!

Haw do you think i feel I made some good points and went off in a completely different direction with that soldier crap.l guess l just found it offensive you would ust that as a comparison and got irate towards the end.

Should have just said "this disgusting and wrong" but l dont care anymore so its just a mute point, and l say live and let live. Still gotta ask would the other poster do this if ut made them happy and if they say NO than are they hypocrites?

Its a fair question.
as a man who's (temporarily) staying at my 80+ year old grandmother's house,




there's nothing 'wrong' with it, but it ABSOLUTELY ABHORS ME. just like the sex fetish of eating shit. This is one hell of a world we live in. I mean the thought of my grandm-



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It doesn't really bother me. Its their life and they can do whatever they want. I just find it gross that its incest and they're related.

The REAL problem I have with this is how selfish their acting, Having a child! This woman is 72 YEARS OLD! She could die at any near year. most likely in the next in 10-15 years or so. And then this child will grow up without the mother who raised or is raising her. Imagine growing up knowing you mother is an your GREAT GRANDMOTHER that most likely will die in a few years. Then finding out she's not the women who gave birth to you. Ugh, Terribly selfish of the parents.
Just so we can all get an image of the situation:

View attachment 927

From this article: http://gawker.com/5527720/indiana-grandmother-is-having-a-new-baby-with-her-grandson

As far as I've read, it is not her egg that they are using, but the surrogate mother's. At 72 she's already gone through menopause and is no longer releasing eggs so she would have to use a surrogate to get a viable egg.

My concerns are not only stemming from the very obvious moral ones, but I agree with a lot of what has already been posted: What happens when this "mother" of the baby dies? (A single daddy-and knowing that you are going to only have a limited life expectancy and are preparing to be a parent and leave your significant other a single parent is selfish and reckless) ,the fact that this poor child is going to be persecuted and made fun of for the rest of their life ,and If she just took out a boatload from her retirement fund and this baby daddy is as young as he is, he doesn't have anything saved up to fall back on when the baby's "mommy" dies....which leaves them up sh!ts creek. I too feel sorry for the family. How would you feel if you were the mom (or the future baby) in this situation? :omg:
I was a bit dissapointed in this. I clicked the source and it took me to The Sun so now I question it's validity. But it's still an amusing story.

If it's true, then it's true. No reason to really give a shit about it if it doesn't concern you, even if you believe it's wrong. I guess the only defence I could give them is that they don't know any better seeing as they had never met before and they were meeting as adults and not as relatives so to speak.

Still, I have heinous images in my head now and I am not impressed haha. In all honesty though, I think it's unfair on the child. Chances are he will go through a good block of his life without his mother. At 72 she is pretty much just waiting for her number to be called. She could go to 82, maybe even 92, but I think it's highly unlikely and that she could quite likely pop her clogs when the kid is like...5 years old. I think it's unfair on the boyfriend/grandson...or whatever the fuck he might be and the child. But who am I to say what they can and can't do?

Just a somewhat disturbing story I try to take no notice of. Doesn't affect me in any way so I just let them do whatever they want. No matter how strange that might be.
this is gonna be the start of a very messed up family. Now there kid is gonna go with his aunt or something and the end result will be a mutant who kills people in the woods.

Hey, there's my long lost son! :monster:

Anyway in all seriousness . . . I honestly don't care what they do. The only way this would affect me is if a relative within my family decided to go find some long lost grandmother or grandfather and then somehow miraculously fall for them. Then I would look at the both of them as if they're off the rocker. Human beings tend to distance themselves emotionally from something, to completely detach themselves from something that they find deeply traumatizing, especially if it isn't directly affecting them (i.e: their mother or father just decided that "omgz mai daughter is liek soo hawt!111").

That said . . . I'm distancing myself from this because the very thought of it being anywhere in my town, happening or occurring in my neighborhood, honestly is frightening. Still it's involuntary, I find it to be selfish, harrowing, disturbing, and frankly wrong. This man is her grandchild, they're blood related, and yet still who am I to chastise them and be like, "HEATHENS! God didn't create you to have deformed babies, EW! You're nasty!"

I'm no one, I don't live with them (thankfully), and I'm not old enough to even dictate what they should and should not do. Nor am I a government official so simply put, I don't care. It's disturbing but I don't care. Granted, since the ovum isn't this seventy two year old woman's child, it's highly unlikely that it will be birthed with defects. The egg donor is a thirty year old woman and we'll assume she's healthy, the seventy two year old will only carry this woman's egg to term and pop it out, nothing more, so their child will be unaffected . . . physically but mentally . . .

Ooh boy, as he/she grows up and grapples with the fact that their father is in actuality related to them in some other way and their mother is their father's grandmother, it will all seem very puzzling and . . . weird for them, I can imagine. Unless these people don't tell the kid. That thought just popped into my head, like, I have to wonder how this kid will function in society knowing how his/her parents linked up and that his/her mother is such and such amount of years older than his/her daddy.

I mean, but hey, you have people who still marry their cousins in some cultures and they're perfectly fine with it, AND they've known these relatives all their lives in most of these cases. Isn't that just as wrong to some people? You can apply the large ass 50 year age gap to that too, if you'd like. I'm just saying . . . there are sickos everywhere but . . . love knows no bounds, as they say. As long as they're not doing it near me I'm cool even if it is . . . odd to think about. :neomon:
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They didn't actually know each other so I guess it isn't AS bad but it's still very disturbing to think that she's having an intimate relationship with the son her daughter gave birth to.
so if they had a legit baby would it be the sons moms sister or her granddaughter?

That is a good question . . . a really good question. Well let's see the mother of the boy is his grandmother's daughter so . . . the child of this grandson and grandmother would be both technically, I guess.