A Shattered World

''Ami, my names savior, I wish you to be my apretice, I dont know what your previous masters did to you but i have a wife so there will be none of that, anyway what do you say will you be my apretice ? ''
OOC: This'll be my last post for a good few hours now. I got some college work to finish off and I'll have to head there soon.

Ami looked up at Savior after hearing what he had to say. "Apprentice?" she asked. Well, I've been pretty much used for the same purpose over and over again. She turned to face him again after having those thoughts. "I will do, Master." She bowed her head as a sign of respect for him. She had been told by her attendants that she should show complete respect for her next master. It wasn't her fault; she was too vulnerable ever since she had been beaten up, kidnapped and been turned into a slave.

She could remember that fateful night as if it was yesterday. Sure, it had been about nine months now since then, but would Ami ever forget? No, she wouldn't. The pain that she had endured made her shiver with fear. But she wouldn't show that fear and pain to her new master. If she was to escape, then she would have to think carefully about what her plan of action would be. And so for now, she would have to warm to her new master.
Vline was getting really frustrated. He had searched the entire city, up and down, in all the nooks and crannies, but simply couldn't find anything of interest. After the slight fiasco with that man, Vline had scarpered while he talked to that girl.

He'd returned to the slave-hall later that day, but no. Nothing.

He walked to the market-place. It was thronging with urchin activity. He strolled down the stalls carefully, yet discreetly, scrutinising every object and trinket. Suddenly, he stopped, smirked and spun round, walking up to the stall. He'd seen one. It was a dusty, grubby, misshapen shard of glass - nevertheless, he was posotive this was one of the 'collectables' his life was seeking.
It took a moment for his smirk of triumphance became a lip-curl of disbelief. A man, whom had his back to him, asked "How much is this?" picking up the very same stone from amongst its wooden and glass companions.
Vline tapped him on the shoulder and said calmly, but firmly, with a hint of melevolence "I think that you'll find that's mine, don't you?"
Faith looked up at her new master and rose to her feet. "I'm sorry, master," she apologised. "I've been taught to show my masters respect when I am in their presence after all. I will be your apprentice, Master Savior. All my other masters used to address me as the slave. But I'm sorry I am acting this way. It's just a part of ... what I do." She didn't smile, but acknowledged what Savior had said. "Then I will learn from you."
I would never dream of adreesing you as slave yor human arnt you and you have a name so Ami it is , i knowledge that you respect me so from now on you have no need to show it, and bear in mind il treat and respect you as a human being, and Please call me Savior none of that master business
*sigh* it seems a new chapter has began... what to do, what to do, there is nothing really that can be done, both Faith and Wulfe, have both made their choice, and i won't do anything about that, they are what they wish to be, and what they are... i just hope that Saviours realises this... *sigh* it has been an odd sorta day..."

i may as well go back to the market place, and see if there is anything intersting happening there, with that, his angel wing flared from his back, and covered himself, moving him to the morket, where Vline was arguing with a man over a stone...
Savior stopped speaking for a minute and stared into Ami's eyes for a couple of seconds, he thought to himself, she will do perfectly, she seems strong willed, and has potential. Savior suddenly noticed the necklace around Ami's neck, he sensed strong power in it and it didn't belong to Ami, 'I wonder...' Savior acidently said aloud.
The man turned round. It wasn't anyone Vline knew, and even if it was - he was going to have that 'memorabialia'. The man had already finished the transaction. Vline stood on his tip-toes, still almost a head shorter than the giant.
"I suggest you sell that tome for the smae price you bought it. That way," He was hissing viciously "You needn't be hurt. How about it?" He rolled his eyes as the guy grunted a 'no' back at him. Vline however, must have anticipated this because he almost immediately leapt forward and knocked the glass from the man's hand. He debated quickly what to do: Fight the man and survive, or pick up the trinket and get a rather large fist to the face. He dodged the man's lumbering hand, and jumped behind, dead legging him. He walked over the man's neck -taking care to apply pressure- and bent to pick up the glass. To his horror, a young man or teenger had already picked it up, and was studying it carefully. "Give that here. Now."
Kamui had picked up the stone in question, and was looking at it curiously, "So it seems that a new game has began Vline," as Kamui looked at him, but it is a pity that you would do so much just for something so little..." *sigh*

"Well if your decision is made then
enod eb ot si tahw laes dna ,eroc eht ezeerf eci eht tet

ice began to freeze over the stone, and it was spreading, and there was an X marked in the ice, he passed the froozen stone to Vline, "It is all yours he said with a cold voice and his gaze seemed to have a distant look in them, but that ice will never break, so if you break it, you are then worthy of the power it will bestow, good day to you, he bowed low and began to depart...
OOC: Ok, can someone please explain the necklace thing? I don't recall my character ever getting it. And now I want to enforce a new rule in this RP: Only post once or twice a day! It's just so that everyone can catch up. Once someone asks my question, then I'll post.
Well truthfully, i'm still trying to figure out what it does, but it is suppose to be a signal, or symbol that sets you apart, and also shows that you are special, plus its suppose unlock some hidden power that you have deep inside you, i dunno, i know that your one is of pure energy while Wurith is of dark energy, light and dark, get it?
OOC: Very well then, with Faiths query answered, I assume that it's safe to post.


::Just at the break of dawn, a brick comes crashing through a car window, causing the alarm to blare and wake all of the residents. As people rush out of their homes to inspect the source of the commotion, Wullfe stealthily slinks to one of the houses. In a few moments, the door to the house flies open, as a middle aged man, dressed only in slippers and a brown robe comes rushing out. The man stops in front of the broken car, staring at it in horror.::

Man: "My car!!! WHO DID THIS TO MY CAR?!?!?!"

::Wullfe capitalizes on this opportunity and dashes into the house. Once inside, he heads straight for the attic.::

Wullfe: (I should have enough time to search through his stuff and grab my wares. I can't believe that after I was sentenced, this idiot manged to purchase my belongings at the auction...)

::Wullfe is now at the base of the steps leading up to the attic, in a few long strides, he's climbed to the top, and reaches it just in time to see that the attic is locked. Wullfe kneels by the lock, and fetches a broken paper clip from his pocket. He begins to work the lock, his fingers flying automatically from experience.::

Wullfe: (Almost got it...)

::Just as he's about to unlock the door, his keen ears pick up sounds of movement coming from the bedroom.::

Wullfe: (Sh!t. I was under the impression that this slob lived alone...)

::The bedroom door, located inches from Wullfe
begins to creak open.::

Wullfe: (Guess not!)

::Just as an attractive, scantily clad woman exits the bedroom, Wullfe manages to get the attic door unlocked. He leaps inside, and quietly shuts the door to the attic once more. Noting the noiseless swing of the hinges, Wullfe muses to himself.::

Wullfe: (It's a good thing this fool keeps his doors well oiled...)

::Finally done, Wullfe finds and flicks the light switch, illuminating the otherwise dark contents of the attic. Pleased with his discovery, Wullfe begins to shed his temporary garments in favor of his old garb which he's just discovered.::

::Outside, the man has finally returned to his senses, and looks over to his house to notice that the light in his attic is lit.::

Man: (Hey, that should be locked!)

::He starts back for his house, and looks down at the key around his neck.::

Man: (The only one with a key for the attic is me! That stupid hooker, she must have picked the lock!)

::Now inside, he picks up a baseball bat and heads for the attic...::
Vline looked at the icy shard of glass in his hand. he'd looked for it for three months, had found it, and some jumped up kid had wrecked it?
He glared at the back of his head, and brought his arm up. With an unpleasant 'chink!', the glass made contact with Kamui's head. The boy/man turned round and glared at him.
OOC: I was at a funeral yesterday and needed to spend sometime with my family.

Ami hadn't noticed the necklace until now. She looked at Savior who was also looking at it deeply with his eyes. "W-Wonder what, sir?" she asked. But then she herself also began to wonder about the necklace. There was something uncanny about it that made her want to delve into the mystery of the necklace. Although it wasn't glowing, Ami felt herself glowing deep inside of her. What is this feeling? I haven't felt like this since ... before I was kidnapped.
''Never mind, i was just thinking, anyway lets go home my wife will be waiting, dinner should be ready. Hold my hand and we'll leave'' Ami held Savior's hand, there was a flash of light and they were in front of gates belonging of a double fronted georgian house ' Here we are home''
Kamui stared back at Vline, "Are you saying that you do not wish for this anymore? Or is it that this is not what you are seeking, or is it that you hate me for sealing that power that it would give to you?" *sigh*

Kamui picked up that stone that was stuck in the ice, "lla em wohs dna ezeerfnu." the ice began to melt away from the stone that Kamui was holding, Vlline was watching, he wanted that stone.

"If you want that badly then, here, catch." he through the stone to Vline who caught it, But Vline didn't know it then, but Kamui had absorbed half the power the stone could provide.
"Thank you." Vline turned heel and walked away, slipping the stone in his pocket, smirking. It had taken a long, long time to find this, and at last. He closed his eyes as he sighed with elation. He was pretty sure that there were some more artifacts of Leviathan lying around the accursed city, though. What he had hidden in his pocket was a scale. Small, insignificant. Just the tip of the iceberg. He could not believe what he saw. In a rich house, through a window, on the wall, he saw a horn on a trophy. He stepped back once more to check. It was a horn of Leviathan. It should be his.

OoC To point out, the things Vline collects are personal trophies. No super-power, collect them all and you have created ultima weapon etc. Just little private trophies.
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