Wowshmow, that cover of the song was AWESOME
It was totally epic...
Okay... episode 10
Now, you asked what your favorite part of the first season was?
If I mixed some info up forgive me, im still a newb.

Okay... episode 10
Okay... wow... the episode went REALLY REALLY fast. Unnormally fast to be honest. It seemed like it was just five minutes. I really liked that Tyrion was asked to be the hand. I just hope he does good with such power. I really really loved the part where Joffrey was told that Robb would give his head as a gift to Sansa I lol'd so hard xD I was like PWND BEHTCH! That MIGHT have made me like Sansa. I felt bad for her when she had to see Ned's head... I swear my hatred for Joffrey grows more and more with each episode.
I LOVED the part where everyone knelt to Robb as the king of the north. He deserves it so much.
And the part where Daenerys (spelling?) got her dragons I was like "OH HELLLLL YES!" *head roll* I was like this --->
I LOVED the part where everyone knelt to Robb as the king of the north. He deserves it so much.

And the part where Daenerys (spelling?) got her dragons I was like "OH HELLLLL YES!" *head roll* I was like this --->

Now, you asked what your favorite part of the first season was?
When Jon was going to leave the night before but came back with Sam and then he was told he'd go beyond the wall to look for his uncle. I was like hell yeah
I just loved how epic the moment was. In a matter of fact I'm gonna rewatch the episode again. 

If I mixed some info up forgive me, im still a newb.