About final fantasy 8


Dark knight
Aug 21, 2007
I Think FF8 Is the Most Hardest ff game. But Its my most Favorite.But the Prob.Is I don't Get the Story... The Magic Customization Is COOL! But when I make Irvine Do Blizzard Shot It Never Works........ Even If It is 100%
I think Mr. Demon here is right. It's most effective against it's weak counter-part.

Unlike, status inflictions which normally you can see happen unless they are immune.
Actually, FF8 is pretty easy once you've got a handle on the system. But I do think learning the system is something of a difficult task in comparison to the simplistic materia system.
Umm how can it be your favorite if you don't understand the story? Maybe if you read all of Quistis tutorials then I won't be that hard. Even if you don't know much about the junction system summoning GFs alone makes bosses and most encounters easy. FFVIII is considered to be one of the easiest FF games.
I didn't find this game hard at all, nor it's story difficult to understand. The Junction system is fun when you get used to it, well it was for me.
As its been mentioned there are tutorials and how cant you understand the story and stil enjoy the game??? Sorry, but this gets the dumbest thread award IMO.
The story of VIII is much easier to understand than VII, and even that wasn't too hard. Like anything, the junctioning system might be a tad difficult to understand at first, but if you played through the whole game it should be second nature to you.

First time I played VIII it took me all of two hours of play time to understand it...not that difficult.

So yeah...odd thread... :dry:
I think he meant the game was altogether hard and not how you play it. I found a couple of bosses difficult my first time through it and had to start a second game to complete it.
yeah i agree the bosses in VIII were very dificult...i mean lets face it the only way you can even bet bosses is to use your gfs.and yes it is the most difficult final fantasy game,my bro hase 7 and i have 8 and so he can bet bosses withought using summons,so yes ff8 is more difficult then the others.
^ I barely even summoned in FF7 o_O

I thought 8 was great the first time I played it. Very simple system IMO, but mastering it is kinda hard. (the junction system I mean)
Bosses in FFVIII were pretty easy.....I didn't require much skill at all. o_O Hell some bosses you can even cast status effects on them. Mastering junction system can take a bit of time to get the hang of it....

As for 7....umm.....It's pretty easy beating bosses without summons.
I Think FF8 Is the Most Hardest ff game.

Well, the Junctions system can be difficult to understand at first… It’s one those things were the more you use it, the more it starts making sense.

first time through the game. But Its my most Favorite.But the Prob.Is I don't Get the Story...

I think you mean it’s starting to become one of your favorites... :confused:

Well, you’re not really going to understand what’s actually going on in the beginning of the game; it’s really not until the third disc that the story starts explaining itself, maybe sooner. (I can’t remember exactly when). Just take your time with it.

But when I make Irvine Do Blizzard Shot It Never Works........

Wait, what...? I think you mean casting Blizzard... There’s no such thing as a Blizzard Shot.

If I’m remembering correctly, Irvine’s only shots are as follows:

- Shot.
- Normal Shot.
- Scattered Shot.
- Dark Shot.
- Fire Shot.
- Canister Shot.
- Quick Shot.
- Armor Shot.
- Hyper Shot.

Anyway, if you’re casting Blizzard on an enemy and it has no effect, then that enemy is immune to Ice type magic. My best advice... Download a good FAQ / Guide off the net if you’re having difficulties.
Final Fantasy VIII was nowhere near as hard as X. I didn't get the Sphere Grid, but I'm sure people are sick of reading that. :P

I thought the first part of VIII was hard. I had to spend some time levelling up before battling those men in Dollet (It's been some time since I played that part). Overall, the game has been fairly easy for me.

I remember I found the monsters on Ragnorak rather hard, so I simply cast Death on them all. Voila! Finito. Adios! Arigeto! :lol:

I'm levelling up at the moment, near the end of Disk 3. I need to explore a lot and get everyone to a higher level so the final part isn't too difficult. I need to junction better magic to master strength, since I've never been one for defence in games. I attack and heal a lot. :lol: And I need to go and get me Diablos!
What I found amusing whenI first played it, I went and took a peak at the Lamp containing Diablos and managed to beat him with Squall, Rinoa and Zell! I think I was on Disk 2 and very shocked!
do people realise that the leveling system applies to the monsters as well? square made this game the easiest in terms of battles....so if you're level 7 with squall, omega weapon will be level 7......and have only 100k hp instead of 1.1 million or something...
it isn't that hard at all, just get enc-none and its gg :p
GG? Of course people realise this, if they didnt somethings wrong as thats what is so different about this game. Again, this thread is daft IMO.

And I doubt anyone can make it to Omega on a level 7 party ...
depending on which aspects of the game you thought were hard, i may agree with you. my first time playing i didnt understand the junctioning system, the same goes for many others. i also didn't understand that monsters leveled up as you did, so leveling up was only a good idea if you could junction effectively. but as far as the story goes, i didnt think it was too complicated...guy meets girl, guy hates girl, guy loves girl, the end ^_^.
do people realise that the leveling system applies to the monsters as well? square made this game the easiest in terms of battles....so if you're level 7 with squall, omega weapon will be level 7......and have only 100k hp instead of 1.1 million or something...
it isn't that hard at all, just get enc-none and its gg :p

WTF??!! First of you can never ever be lvl 7 or even 20 when you fight Omega. Second Bosses like Omega, Ultima and such are always lvl 100. And third, people here are not stupid of course they know the lvl are proportional