Aeris or Tifa?

Aeris or Tifa?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 78 59.5%
  • Aeris

    Votes: 53 40.5%

  • Total voters
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I pick Aeris. Dont get me wrong i really like Tifa......Just not with Cloud. I felt that Aeris was the sweetest and kindest out of both of them and out of everyone she was the only one )Except possibly REDXIII) who joined AVALANCHE for non-selfish reasons (Barret did it coz he hated the shinra Tifa:Ditto cloud: needed Money Cait Sith : lets not even GO there Yuffie : Materia and Vincent :revenge) IMO (so please dont flame me) Cloud and Tifa Are more like brother and sister than BF and GF while Cloud and Aeris have a spark between them, and i think advent children further prooves the point that cloud loves aeris.

Newsflash People you can still love someone even when there dead.

And i know its not canon but in kingdom hearts 2 Cloud refers To Aeris As his Light which i think is a reference that cloud loves aeris and not tifa.

Well ive said my speech lol i felt aeris needed some more support.
(So if i sounded jerky to tifa then im sorry)
Hm. I really like Tifa and Aeris, but I think Cloud belongs with Aeris. Why? Well, the whole Cait Sith's fortune, first of all. Also, I think Cloud's and Aeris's personalities would mesh better in a romantic relationship than Cloud's and Tifa's would. Cloud and Tifa make good friends, no doubt, but Cloud and Aeris just had that bond.

I think it's clearer in Advent Children about Cloud's feelings for Aeris. Maybe Tifa wouldn't mind a romantic relationship with Cloud, but I don't think Cloud is the right man for her. Who is? That's another debate.

There is the possibility that Cloud will fall in love again in the future, since Advent Children was all about starting over and not letting your past control you, but I can't make any predictions about that, either.
I think Cloud was into Aeris more. Just look at Cait Sith's fortune.

"Hmmm... poor Tifa. Cloud's star and Aeris's star. You two are perfect for each other."

Squaresoft INTENDED them to be a couple, but it's all opinion.

As for me, I'd go for Tifa for the emotionless, mechanical sex and Aeris for the emotional relationship.
LOL I am a proud Clerith Nazi!!!! and Koru both...LOL I forgot to also mention that Cloud is always away and Calling pretty much told us he loved her depending on how you though about it

Perhaps you should do yourself a favor and watch Schindler's List, so you know what you're talking about when you talking about being proud to be a Nazi. It only shows pure ignorance.

And how exactly did Calling tell you that he loved her? He was driving, and she looked at him. If anything, it was a bonus for hte fans because they get to see her entire face again (let's not forget that we only see half of her face throughout the entire movie, and then we see the face in it's entirity in the end). Cloud doesn't acknowledge her, he doesn't stop his bike and fuck her brains out. He just drives away (and then at the end of the credits you see a picture of him and his family, and a new picture of him and his friends). Wow. True love alright.

As for me, I'm going with Tifa all the way. I'll go into detail later, but I'll just post here that it's fairly obvious that the love triangle ended when 1) Aeris died, and 2) Nomura labeled Tifa as a "koibito" (lover).
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Perhaps you should do yourself a favor and watch Schindler's List, so you know what you're talking about when you talking about being proud to be a Nazi. It only shows pure ignorance.

And how exactly did Calling tell you that he loved her? He was driving, and she looked at him. If anything, it was a bonus for hte fans because they get to see her entire face again (let's not forget that we only see half of her face throughout the entire movie, and then we see the face in it's entirity in the end). Cloud doesn't acknowledge her, he doesn't stop his bike and fuck her brains out. He just drives away (and then at the end of the credits you see a picture of him and his family, and a new picture of him and his friends). Wow. True love alright.

As for me, I'm going with Tifa all the way. I'll go into detail later, but I'll just post here that it's fairly obvious that the love triangle ended when 1) Aeris died, and 2) Nomura labeled Tifa as a "koibito" (lover).
Whoa, hold on there, RoseDincht. Nazi doesn't necesarily mean "person who hates Jewish people". I'll demonstate by posting a direct quote from (Admins, don't consider this advertisement...for the love of God, don't) said:
Na·zi /ˈnɑtsi, ˈnæt-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[naht-see]

3. Sometimes Offensive. (often lowercase) a person who is fanatically dedicated to or seeks to control a specified activity, practice, etc.: a jazz nazi who disdains other forms of music; tobacco nazis trying to ban smoking.

So, by saying "Clerith nazi", she means to say, "I am dedication to saying that Cloud and Aerith should be a couple!" Go on, say how wrong we are.
I personally don't care. I don't show respect for someone who thinks it's funny to label themselves as a Nazi or sport pink swastikas all over the place. Saying "I'm a Cleristh fan" is good enough. Nazi is completely unnessisary and not funny.

Like I said, take 3 hours out of your life and watch Schindler's List. I'm sure you'll agree with me, and I'm sure Tenshi Aeris and the other "Cleristh Nazis" will feel like complete assholes afterwards.
....okay you guys, it's a fucking game, get over it already. I can't believe you guys would fight and argue and freak out over who should be with who when they're nothing but a bunch of pixels, honestly, grow up about it...who gives a shit who goes with who? There's ALWAYS going to be fans for each couple, no matter what is fact or not. It doesn't matter if it's CONFIRMED that Tifa is Cloud's lover, there are still going to be people who prefer Cloud and Aerith together, so there's no point in freaking out over it. People are entitled to their own opinions whether there is fact or not and let me say opinions are like assholes, everybody has one so let people have their own opinions without freaking out at one another.
....okay you guys, it's a fucking game, get over it already. I can't believe you guys would fight and argue and freak out over who should be with who when they're nothing but a bunch of pixels, honestly, grow up about it...who gives a shit who goes with who? There's ALWAYS going to be fans for each couple, no matter what is fact or not. It doesn't matter if it's CONFIRMED that Tifa is Cloud's lover, there are still going to be people who prefer Cloud and Aerith together, so there's no point in freaking out over it. People are entitled to their own opinions whether there is fact or not and let me say opinions are like assholes, everybody has one so let people have their own opinions without freaking out at one another.

Try reading the posts before you comment, okay? Because if you had, you'd noticed that the arguement had nothing to do with who Cloud likes to fuck. It had to do with Cloud/Aeris fans "being proud to be Nazis".

Presumptious much? Get out.
Listen, Dincht, and listen good. This lecture's gonna offer you blow after blow, within forum limits.

If people wants to express themselves as fanatics, let them. So long as they don't leave out the "Clerith", I find nothing wrong with it. If you see something
wrong with it, then you should shut up and let people speak. You, yourself, are an OPINION NAZI, which is among the worst things out there. Am I right, people? I won't tolerate supression towards others, so either leave these forums or start behaving yourself.

As for the Tifa/Aeris debate, although Aeris is dead, that doesn't mean that the relationship her and Cloud had together is discarded. And if anyone is accurately calling Tifa a "lover", then it'll refer to HER being ONE TO LOVE CLOUD, not the other way around. If anyone's feelings remain neutral, it's Cloud's feelings for Tifa. There, I said it. If people disagree, express your opinion and tell me all about it.
Listen, Dincht, and listen good. This lecture's gonna offer you blow after blow, within forum limits.

If people wants to express themselves as fanatics, let them. So long as they don't leave out the "Clerith", I find nothing wrong with it. If you see something
wrong with it, then you should shut up and let people speak. You, yourself, are an OPINION NAZI, which is among the worst things out there. Am I right, people? I won't tolerate supression towards others, so either leave these forums or start behaving yourself.

Excuse me?

What exactly was wrong or "supressing" with what I said? I said that making Nazi jokes was not funny. I said that saying "I'm a Clerith fan and proud!" was good enough, and the whole "NAZI CLERITH!" was unnessisary and unneeded. If you'd develope more then a halfwit, I'm sure you'd agree that what I said was logical and right.

If people want to express themselves as fanatics, then let them say "I AM A CLOUD/AERIS FANATIC". The Nazism isn't anything to be laughed at, and putting pink swastikas in avatars/signatures and such is just completely ignorant.

Like I said. Watch Schindler's List and hope that there aren't any Jewish people on this forum (or CxA's for that matter) because "Nazi" and "swastikas" symbolize the sick genocide of six million of them.

Oh, and because I know nobody is going to rent Schindler's List and watch it, I decided that I'd present you with some clips from the movie.

Schindler's List Scenes

Do you feel good about those Nazi comments now? If you don't feel in the least bit ridiculous for saying that (or in MasterX's case, justifying it), then you're pathetic.
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Am I justifying nazism? I'm supporting the NON-offensive definition of "nazi". No one is supporting the National Socialist Party here. I'm saying that "nazi" has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MEANING than what you're thinking of. I think you're completely outta line here. Do you see "I HATE JEWS" on my avatar? No, I see hope for the future of expressing things without applying the oh-so offensive original meaning of the word "nazi". That's all it is. Just a word. It all depends on how you use the word. There's no need to wave your precious "Schindler's List" at us. If the admins were as uptight as you, then half the goddamn population would be banned.

You know what, Mr. I-think-I'm-right, if you think your so powerful, have me banned for racism.
As for the Tifa/Aeris debate, although Aeris is dead, that doesn't mean that the relationship her and Cloud had together is discarded. And if anyone is accurately calling Tifa a "lover", then it'll refer to HER being ONE TO LOVE CLOUD, not the other way around. If anyone's feelings remain neutral, it's Cloud's feelings for Tifa. There, I said it. If people disagree, express your opinion and tell me all about it.

Nope. Koibito is a term that can only be applied if it is mutual. Read Reunion Files of FF7:AC. There is no love triangle anymore. Trust me. It ended after disk one and that's that. Aeris was only attracted to Cloud because of Zack, her first love. And it's a wonder why the "past" couples (Zack and Aeris and Cloud and Tifa) keep getting so much attention within the Compilation. That is... if you yourself consider the Compilation canon. :huh: Because it is, you know.
Am I justifying nazism? I'm supporting the NON-offensive definition of "nazi". No one is supporting the National Socialist Party here. I'm saying that "nazi" has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MEANING than what you're thinking of. I think you're completely outta line here. Do you see "I HATE JEWS" on my avatar? No, I see hope for the future of expressing things without applying the oh-so offensive original meaning of the word "nazi". That's all it is. Just a word. It all depends on how you use the word. There's no need to wave your precious "Schindler's List" at us. If the admins were as uptight as you, then half the goddamn population would be banned.

You know what, Mr. I-think-I'm-right, if you think your so powerful, have me banned for racism.

First off, I'm a woman. So it's Mrs. I-KNOW-I'm-Right. Get your facts straight, k?

And if you bothered to read anything I wrote, you'd see that I AM PERFECTLY OKAY WITH PEOPLE EXPRESSING THEMSELVES AS "FANATICS". But using Nazism as an example is completely unnessisary. Like I said, if you develope more then a halfwit you'll see that what I was saying was right.

Oh, and my "precious Schindler's List"? Did you even WATCH those clips? I doubt it. If you had, you'd probably shut your mouth.

This is pretty much why I believe that people should take an IQ test before they're permitted to use the Internet. It would definately decrease the number of morons who use it.
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