Aeris vs. Aerith

Aeris Or Aerith?

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Red Mage
Aug 6, 2007
Let's disregard the fact that Aerith is the "official" spelling for the name, as well as the fact that it makes a clever anagram of "I Earth".

Based only on how they look and sound, which name do you prefer:



I prefer Aerith. I don't know, there's just something about the 'th.'

Hmm... I prefer Aeris because it sound more organic and natural to me. The "th" sound is a rare sound in languages and lots of us English speakers don't even realize it's hard for ESL learners to nail.
Yeah it is a rare sound in most languages. But for some reason I really like that dental-fricative on the end of words. I do agree that Aeris is more natural sounding though.
I prefer calling her "Aerith" because its easier to pronounce, for me.^_^
I added a poll ^_^

I prefer Aerith to Aeris, simply because it looks nicer. Before i used to love the name Aeris and hate Aerith, but after talking to a certain Global Moderator on this forum (guess who :P) for long enough, the name Aerith stuck with me :)
Aeris seems so natural to me because that is what she was called in the UK version.
I thought we had several of these threads already?

Im with Aeris as thats the way its speilt in the European versions, so Ive always stuck with that spelling.
Aeris is so much.. nicer in a way. Just prefer it, plus it's that way in my copy off FVII.

What's more, Aeris has a much cooler anagram - I Ears. It's just that much more awesome, I'm sure you'll agree. *nod*
Definantly Aerith. It just looks so much more elegant and prettier in my opinon. Not to mention it is the official spelling, though the pronunciation is Aeris, Aerith looks better. I really wish Square wouldn't have spelled the name like that in the game and just kept it Aerith. It almost reminds me of Earth when I look it. Such a beautiful name.
Aerith for me. Well actually, I guess it doesn't matter to me. I like the sound of Aerith when I say her name, (and I do have a habit of saying "Aerith") but when I started the game again, I still named her Aeris...I guess it looks much more appealing to me. Simple and cute.
i think aeris is better just because it seems more like a normal name then aerith...aerith just sounds like someones trying to say aeris but has a lisp.
I would have to say aeris just because iv always said it like that from playing the game for so long and its easier for me to say.
Yeah, sometimes I wonder if my preference for Aeris is only due to the fact that I'm used to it. Like some people said, to me, "Aerith" sounds like Aeris a lisp. But maybe if I had heard the name Aerith first, I would think "Aeris" sounds like Aerith with a Japanese accent.
It's Aeris. That's how it is in Final Fantasy 7. I don't know where they changed it, or why, but the name in the game of which she is from, the spelling is "Aeris."

To me, "Aerith" is just annoying. I think it's very snobbish to say it any other way than it was in the game.
At first I always liked Aeris better, but lately, Aerith just looks better and sounds nicer to me :D

It's Aeris. That's how it is in Final Fantasy 7. I don't know where they changed it, or why, but the name in the game of which she is from, the spelling is "Aeris."

To me, "Aerith" is just annoying. I think it's very snobbish to say it any other way than it was in the game.

No it isn't. Aerith is the correct way to say her name. I believe that is how it is pernounced in the Japanese version...and that is where the game was made. In Advent Children it was also Aerith.

For my opinion: I never knew her real name was Aerith until a couple years ago. I always called her Aeris till then, now I think Aerith is a much better name, it sounds nicer and looks prettier.
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No it isn't. Aerith is the correct way to say her name. I believe that is how it is pernounced in the Japanese version...and that is where the game was made.

Considering that there were no voice-overs in Final Fantasy 7, I don't know how you can be so sure that this is the way it is pronounced in the Japanese version...

Regardless, the game that the rest of the friggin world played featured a girl named Aeris, not Aerith. You can call her what you want, but IN THE GAME her name was Aeris.

it sounds nicer and looks prettier.

That's all a matter of opinion, but I personally think Aerith sounds like you're trying to say "Aeris" with a lisp. And I find it awfully pompus that people called her Aeris for ten friggin years, only to change it to Aerith later. That's dumb and elitist, if you ask me.