Aeris vs. Aerith

Aeris Or Aerith?

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The reason I'm being pissy is because you started off by making it seem like the name "Aerith" was stupid and that anyone would be stupid to prefer it.

I DO think the name Aerith is stupid. But only because I'm used to Aeris. To me, it sounds snobbish and elitist to see people using Aerith, when I know damn well that ALL of them played the game with a character called Aeris.

so I feel like I have to let people know the real facts of the topic

That's fine. We're cool.

ut in addition - my thread wasn't even supposed to be about which came first, or which one you're used to. It's which one you think sounds better (although I can see how being used to one version can make it sound better).

And that's what I'm talking about. Dude, they could have translated her name to "Ass Pimple", and I STILL wouldn't call her Aerith.

People are trying to play this off like it's no big deal...which in the grand scheme of things, it isn't. But they're trying to change the name of a hugely popular fictional character. It would be no different than if we discovered tomorrow that Harry Potter is actually Harry Porter. HUGE diffference. Granted, the name might have been Aerith in Japan, but I loved the character named Aeris. To me, she's as real as any character in fiction. She's as real as the Roland of Gilead, or Odd Thomas.

And dead as a doornail, unfortunately...

Anyway, no harm done. I think we both now fully understand each other's stance on the matter. But to answer your original question, I personally think Aerith sounds funny. I don't like /th/ ending any word, honestly. And Aeris sounds so girly, so cute.
Yeah... something about the th on Aerith makes me think of elves for some reason. :monster: Plus, I kinda feel like I have to force the th and say the name a little slower, whereas Aeris just flows.
Right. JDawg and Ryushikaze, you are both getting infractions for flaming. This forum is for opinions and the pair of you are runing this topic by arguing with each other and name calling.
This is what Wikipedia says:

Aerith's original Japanese name is エアリス (Earisu) [eaɺ̠is(ɯ)] . This has been translated to "Aeris" in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy Tactics, but later as "Aerith". Both translations are technically correct, as the Japanese "su" (ス) is used when transcribing "s" (/s/) and "th" (/θ/) to Japanese. However, developers have stated "Earisu" is a (non-standard) Japanese transliteration of the English word "Earth"[11], creating arguments that "Aeris" is either a mistranslation or aesthetic change.

IMO if Wikipeadia doesn't know no one does

here's the whole thing though
But Wikipedia has many, many sections written by people who probably only believe somethings right because they believe it to be right.
So this person may just be a die hard fan of the game and not really know this. You cant believe everything on Wiki to be 100% fact.

Now, back on topic guys please.
This is about which do you prefer, Aeris or Aerith. Not where it comes from.
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Juneau, stop posting off topic. Ive deleted your previous post as it brings nothing to the topic.

This threads about which name you prefer, so please stick to that.
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Oh ok, I noticed that my post was missing... sry, just PM me next time, not hoping to be a next time, you delete one of my posts cause i posted the thing twice.

I prefer Aeris to Aerith, since I knew her as Aeris for 6-7 years... changing it just makes no sense to me. And when I first heard and saw her name as Aerith it confused me, and I thought who's the idiot that mistyped her name, later i even started to doubt myself so I replayed ff7 :D just to be sure it was Aeris and I hadn't gone mad :D.

EDIT: Pm you fo what? Both posts were off topic and deleted. I see no need to PM you for deleting a post. SS.
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I always liked Aeris. Aerith is nice, but Aeris is how I'm used to seeing spelled as in the game and is the one that stuck with me as being her actual name (changed or not)...
I dont like either name to me they both suck as well as the character but since in my game her official name is Aeris ,although i usually call her Zombie, RIP and stuff like that, then i suppose i will choose Aeris.
Ah, I'm in the minority I see :( I prefer Aerith, even though that isn't how her name is officially translated. I don't know why....I think it sounds prettier and more exotic. "Aeris" reminds me of "aries," the astrological sign.
Ah, I'm in the minority I see :( I prefer Aerith, even though that isn't how her name is officially translated. I don't know why....I think it sounds prettier and more exotic. "Aeris" reminds me of "aries," the astrological sign.

Yeah, an unfortunate side-effect to "Aeris" was the fact that half of the fans played the game for hours, yet couldn't manage to realize that it was spelled AERIS and not ARIES.

Same for FFVIII people who think it's spelled Riona.
Hmm... I've never made that mistake.. I don't see how they did, I mean it's a 5 letter word, I'd understand if it was a more complex word, but Aeris.
But I'm not that hung up on this whole thing, they can call her what they want, plus Aerith and Aeris isn't that big of a difference.

i like aeris, it sounds nicer.
and to all the correction nazzi out there, i don't care if it's not the "orriginal" name or if i "pronounce" it right, bite me.
i like aeris because it reminds me of the pink cat from vgcats

<_< i hate people who go on and on about the clerith/cleris pairing

so sue me! i don't like aeris/aerith. look at my sig!
Starflare sweetie, this isn't a thread about Aerith bashing. This is whether you perfer the term Aeris or Aerith. Please keep it on topic.

Thank you
Aerith, its the right way to say it. Sony translated FFVII, not Square, and in everything SE translated themselves it has been Aerith. Sony didn't do a real good job on other parts of the game either, take "this guy are sick" for example. Also consider that in Japanese it is Sefirosu, which translates to Sephiroth, in Japanese she's Aerisu, which means her English name is Aerith. I don't mind people calling her Aeris, but don't try to say its correct, unless you think Sephiroth is really Sephiros.
I choose sounds more feminine than Aerith IMO. And it sounds better than Aerith...but this is only my opinion.
It's going to have to be Aeris for me. I only heard of Aerith just recently and didn't know why people were using that name. I've always called her Aeris and it's become classic to me. It's too late for me to start calling her Aerith right now.