Aerith or Tifa?

Aerith or Tifa?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 47 38.8%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 74 61.2%

  • Total voters
While I liked both characters, I prefer Tifa. Mostly because that Cloud had known her much longer than Aerith... and I liked her stronger personality.

And, like others stated, Aerith is dead so the whole pairing with her and Cloud is basically down the drain. So... that's another reason for my support towards CloudxTifa instead.
As for which was the better character, Tifa's cool and all, but I think the sort of quirky, kinda mysterious personality Aeris held (As opposed to the typical "GO GET 'EM IN YOUR FACE ACTION GIRL" personality Tifa had) was more interesting (She had some of the most personality out of the entire cast, which is strange, as in all other media she seems so incredibly dull).
Tifa has always been a character that has stood out to me. Her charm, martial arts, and her looks just makes anyone want to be close to her, right? ^_^
Anyways, my avatar & signature probably explains all of it haha

... For the super typical reasons. I find that no matter how I compare, Tifa wins out in the end. Looks... Skills... Personality... If there were any more ways I could compare the two, I'll probably still think Tifa to be the better one. Well, that explains my vote anyway.
Has to be Tifa over Aeirth, I think Tifa has a better personality and is a well skilled and indpendent woman :)
Tifa all the way. Aeris just annoyed me in both FF7 and Crisis Core, she is just an annoying character. I was one of few that celebrated when she died. Plus, Tifa is just so much hotter.
Honestly, while I'm a Cloti fan, in terms of character I prefer Aeris.

I just felt that Aeris was a much sweeter, purer type of character than Tifa. I also loved her warmth and how she seemed to bring out the best in everyone, her spunk was amusing as well and anyone who can get Cloud to cross-dress PWNS in my book :neomon::neomon:

Her backround was also the most interesting in the game, and she was really the central, mythical figure of the game. I really felt her presence brought everyone together (Yes even Cloud and Tifa)

Ha-ha kind of strange, I'm a major Cloti fan yet I like Aeris better.

Tifa is annoying, and oversexed. From the moment they put her in that cowgirl outfit for no good reason, I disliked her.

Aerith on the other hand has a little thing called dignity.
Tifa all the way. I have the most in common with her -- we're both tomboys, we both like to kick butts and we both have a thing for girly men with spiky hair. If she was more hyperactive and liked to set things on fire I'd be suing Square Soft for using so much of my likeness, or thanking them! I haven't decided.
I like both girls, but I think I'm gonna pick Aeris, especially after I'd seen this picture!


Just kidding. I prefer Cloud x Tifa but I like Aeris character more. She was always so happy and funny and I find her really useful to the team.
Everyone let's try and put a bit more effort into our posts. This is a post count section so posts like "Tifa" or "Aerith" are considered spam. Try and give reasons behind your answers. Thanks. :)
That's a good question. I haven't thaought about it that much, but I'd have to say Tifa. Even though they can both handle themselves in a fight, Tifa can do more damage with her fists than Aerith with a freaking quarter staff. No offense to anyone though.
Tifa, 100%, reason? Umm, she is a fighter, she is a Tomboy, she kicks a$$, you see her more as an out-going, hottie. And she has "fist of steel"!
Tifa! Even if Aerith is sweet and a great character on whole, Tifa's fighting skills and limit breaks are immense.
I'm going to have to ultimately say Aerith.

Whilst Tifa has all the qualities that normally draw me to female characters; the no-nonsense attitude, tomboy qualities, etc, Aerith just did it for me when it came to deciding between the two, though I can't really place my finger on why. If I was to take a stab at it, I guess I felt like I cared for her and wanted to protect her, whereas I didn't feel that toward Tifa.