Aerith or Tifa?

Aerith or Tifa?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 47 38.8%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 74 61.2%

  • Total voters
Grr, :rage:

Aerith loves Cloud, guys.

_ "Even though Aerith perceived that Cloud had lost sight of his true self, she still has great affection for him." ~FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Aerith's profile

_ "Although in the beginning, Aerith felt close to Cloud is because he behaves like Zack, her interest in Cloud himself grows and is attracted to him." ~page 31, FFVII Ultimania Omega

_"Cloud was her friend, her koibito (sweetheart, boyfriend, lover) — a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected." -Case of Lifestream: White

_"At first, she thought he somehow had some similarities to her first love. Even so, his looks, voice and personality weren't similar and he also made her think of him as a mysterious person... But it soon didn't matter. She loved him much more than her first love." - Maiden of the Planet

_"Aerith: "Someone who's gotten along with so many girls can never become a lover."
Zack: "How mean. I'm kind to everyone."
Aerith: "And that's your bad point. You're not simplistic and awkward like Cloud."
Zack: "Is that what you liked, Aerith?"
"Who knows. Things might have changed after five years."
Zack put on sad face as if he was sulking but then smiled carefree. It was the unchanged smile that Aerith knew from when they were young. When she was seventeen, it was what attracted her to him.
Zack: "It's not over yet but, I'm going to sleep for a while. It seems there's nothing I can do just now. But whenever you feel lonely, call me Aerith."
Aerith: "Only if I get really lonely. Goodnight, Zack." - Maiden of the Planet

She loves Cloud. Nomura's said, Aerith's said, what else does there have to be :rage:
Seriously as one who has no desire to read those novels made to passify the following I go by the game.
Aeris perhaps liked Cloud till she got her first love back:)

And in those statments above it says affection/attraction not love.
Two different things and in the Maiden thing she still dosent say she loves him to me it reads Zack has to earn her love again not thet shes still in love with Cloud. Besides their are various forms of love in this case I think shes not "in love" with Cloud she just has a lingering sentiment

okay, what about the Case of Lifestream quote that says Cloud is her friend and KOIBITO(which means sweetheart or lover)

She's in love with Cloud. Nomura has even said Aerith is a love rival for Cloud.
This thread is about which character you like better not about which character Cloud prefers. There is already an LTD debate thread so let's keep the LTD debate in that thread. Now let's get the thread back on topic. Thanks. :)
Aerith dying is such a cheap shot at not liking her.

Tifa dresses like a slut, and I used to get told it was a cheap shot for not liking her. Seems just as valid now that I think about it. :hmmm:

okay, what about the Case of Lifestream quote that says Cloud is her friend and KOIBITO(which means sweetheart or lover)

She's in love with Cloud. Nomura has even said Aerith is a love rival for Cloud.
I call manny people sweetheart that doesent mean I love them :D
Manny endearments exsist in the world it dosent mean love

And I have no desire to debate fictional charecters and whom their loves are I was just debating the validity of statments and iterperatation.
Anywhoo I still pick Tifa

Tifa dresses like a slut, and I used to get told it was a cheap shot for not liking her. Seems just as valid now that I think about it.
A mini skirt means you dress like a slut? Thats like when a guy told me im the reason women get raped because I wore fishnets and highheels with a knee leingth skirt .
And sorry but I love this day I name my chocobo's Aeris lol I love her but shes not meant for CLoud. IMO
And regardless the fact still is shes dead to him currently so as tacky as it may be its what it is.
A mini skirt means you dress like a slut? Thats like when a guy told me im the reason women get raped because I wore fishnets and highheels with a knee leingth skirt .
And sorry but I love this day I name my chocobo's Aeris lol I love her but shes not meant for CLoud. IMO
And regardless the fact still is shes dead to him currently so as tacky as it may be its what it is.

Ahh, wearing a mini skirt which is held up even further than it probably is naturally meant to, by suspenders, and wearing no bra (I have actions figures and official artwork that proves this :wacky: ) yes, imo, means you dress like a slut.

But remember that this is a preference thread, not a pairing thread. These are based on our opinions, and my opinion, that she looks like a slut, is based on the way she dresses.

...her snarky attitude later on in the game after Aerith's death certainly didn't help winning me over. :hmmm:
I prefer Tif a, because Tifa seemed like that shy girl who was closed with her feelings and emotions. Her surname is Lockhart, so it's clear that Tifa is not type of person to express loudly how she feels. I also thought that she was pretty bold opening up to Cloud by the Highwind like that, when she's isn't the type to express how she feels. She was really brave. Also she's a powerful and amazing fighter in battle, and not the type that's the damsel in distress. She can fight and protect herself. She's tough. Though I don't mind Aerith though, she's actually in my party more because I like healers, I don't hate or dislike Aerith but she seems like that" prefect girl", while Tifa seems more realistic and you can relate to her struggles throughout the game. However I didn't like Tifa in AC, I thought that she was too pushy and whiny towards Cloud. I pretend usually that AC doesn't exist, so it doesn't really matter though.
I chose Aerith because I felt that Cloud had more of a romantic connection with her than Tifa. With Tifa, I felt it stayed more as a close friendship than anything else. Despite this, I felt that Aeriths true love was Zack, not Cloud. So since her death? Well, I guess Cloud didn't have to make a decision in the end... I don't think he could have moved on, however, after Aeriths death if she hadn't helped him like she had in Advent Children. The blonde looked as if the weight of the world was lifted off from his shoulders. :P

I think if Aerith had survived, they would have been lovers.
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I do like Tifa's personality, but I don't like the way she acts with Cloud. Well,if she was meant to be the kind of strong girl to serve as a role model for girls, she was an utter failure. When she is alone, she is fine. When she is with Cloud, she acts like his dog. It is as if she lived for egocentric Cloud and his stupid own dramas. I think she deserved a better role in the game.

As for Aerith, her personality is better, IMO, and her character has a much better role. Though she is kinda silly as for falling in love, first for Zack and then for Cloud (and that is OK, since the intention of the character designers, as I have read somewhere, was to make her immature with men and relationships), she is at the same time free-spirited, brave, sweet and altruistic. I love her ladylike ways and her lovely humor (twisted, but lovely). I consider she prettier than Tifa as well, though Tifa is pretty too.

So, Aerith, hands down. If there wasn't Cloud, Tifa would be a stronger contender.
Cloud isn't worried about romance. He'd take them both, at the same time, and Yuffie would be a substitute as well. Cloud is at least an eleven out of ten on the man-o-meter and he's got 'it'. I can understand exactly how difficult this is for him because I too have got 'it'. If you can imagine pulling up to a party in a Ferrari when everyone else has a Ford, then maybe you are halfway to understanding what it's like being an eleven on the man-o-meter. Like me. And Cloud.

On a serious note, it's a definite Aeris all the way. She's an angel. A huggable little angel with a personality that would melt even the coldest heart. I love that girl. And because I'm an eleven, she loves me too.
I like them both really, but since I had to pick I went with Aerith... because I like her pink dress! :D

Ahem, but seriously, they're both great characters so I don't know why people have to get so aggressive about liking one of them. Different personality traits will appeal to you, so saying you like Tifa more than Aerith or Aerith more than Tifa doesn't mean that you necessarily think that the other character's terrible, does it? I don't think any of the characters in FFVII were 2D or shallow, they all had depth (even the extra characters like Yuffie and Vincent had great background stories).

So it upsets me a little when people have to turn around and say "well, I like one character so I couldn't possibly like the other! Let me just pick apart their character for those who like them!" You don't go up to someone who like ice cream and tell them that it's full of calories, messy and bad for you, do you? So please don't bash Aerith or Tifa... who to me are very much like ice creams.

Mmm... Ice creams... Aerith would be strawberry and Tifa would be banana, I think!
The problem is that people is so concerned with the role of the "playful love triangle", which is much exaggerated by fans, that they can only see it as a competition between Aertih and Tifa.
Even the game contradicts that, showing that Aerith and Tifa were good friends.
If everyone answered the "love triangle" question with "none", people would have a better appreciation of both characters.
Ohh...I like both,but I am gonna go with Tifa,although I feel so guilty for not choosing Aerith...but then I'd feel more guilty if I didn't choose Tifa...yeah,I am pretty indecisive.I have come to love both of them very much.Although Tifa a little bit more.
No,not because her boobs since I am not a guy.I just like her kinda more,I enjoy playing as a girl who is more of an attacker than a supporting character.
I always used them both in my party,till the end of disc 1.

EDIT:After seeing a few of the posts here...I don't think the question is about who was more close to Cloud or who had more chances with Cloud,but I think it is clear on who you prefer based on their personality,not their relationship to Cloud...just saying.
I prefer Aerith as a character...and a match for Cloud. Tifa reminded me of the "girl next door" type who wore too little clothing and was out to reel in Cloud.

Aerith was so sweet and innocent. She wasn't over the top beautiful like Tifa may have been...but she had an inner beauty that went beyond her looks. Tifa was a pretty blank character to me. Obviously she was tough...and the girl you wouldn't want to pick a fight with...and she had feelings for Cloud...and theres nothing wrong with that its just...the relationship would've been so plain and stale to me.

Aerith could've brought out Cloud's emotions ...and she sort of did when she died. He never spoke about emotions or feelings with Tifa...she was always just "there" for him...and he never responded to her like I thought he would if he really cared for her.

Aerith - because that's who I picked in the game when I played through it.

Tifa just seemed like an obvious thing, scant clothes, exaggerated 'attributes'.
I chose Tifa.

In my opinion, that I would not like to be bashed, she has a better relationship with Cloud. Cloud has liked her since he was younger. He aspired to join SOLDIER to become a hero like Sephiroth and also to show off to her and impress her. Tifa just seems to have more of an emotional attachment to Cloud than Aerith.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Aerith and Cloud have a relationship that is pretty intense, but it seemed to come out of the blue, and it's origins aren't so genuine as Cloud and Tifa's. I think she liked Cloud because he looked like Zack, which is not a very good reason in retrospect. She did grow close to him during the game until her exit, but I was not convinced that they grew as close as they should have.

I liked Tifa's character more in the game. She was a fighter chick, which added a good deal to her character in terms of gameplay, whilst Aerith was the staff chick, and I found her utterly useless during the game. She had a great contribution to the story and all, but I found Tifa's more interesting and authentic. Aerith seemed to have been thrown in despite how fluent her induction was.
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I can't ignore a "Tifa or Aerith" thread :mokken:

Lets see:

Great boobs, body and she's pretty hott and dress like a slut. Awesome with figting and actually alive not dead or sucked by the planet. Great personality pretty feminine AND can actually kick some asses. :hmmm:

Flat, nice body, sweet but pretty lame. Suck with fighting and the most important thing...SHE'S FREAKIN DEAD!! :gasp:

P.S. For those CloudXAerith crap....Aerith is damn dead, so nothing will happen between those 2 unless Cloud dig up her corpse somehow from the plant and screw her. Get it? No way Cloud will have a relationshit with Aerith :mokken:

Am sweet :griin:
I choose Tifa. She seems so strong and she is just a simple character.
I also think that Aerith felt a attraction to Cloud because his behave is like that of Zack. So they had something special, but I think Cloud knew that too and he could never replace Zack, so he likes Tifa more in some way..